This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!
This Week's Topic: Most Frustrating Characters Ever
Okay, so for this one I could only come up with five. But these five are ones that REALLY stuck with me. I figured if I'm still bothered by these characters, even after all this time has passed after reading the books, they are definitely the most frustrating characters ever. I didn't want to force myself to pick another five because that would just mean that they bothered me, but didn't really annoy me. So these are the characters that made me want to shut the book and never have to deal with them ever again.
Cassia (Matched)
I really don't know what bothered me about her except for the fact that she seemed like a 5-year-old throughout the entire book. I actually couldn't finish this one because I was tired of her thinking and acting like a child. I know their whole society was supposed to be like that where they were totally clueless, but I was just annoyed with her.
Anastasia (50 Shades of Grey)
Oh boy, where to start? STOP BITING YOUR LIP. Honestly, I got it after the first five hundred times you did it, so you don't have to do it another freaking five hundred times. And who the heck lets a guy get away with the stuff she lets Christian do? I'm sorry, but no matter how insecure you are with yourself or how hot you think a guy is, you really shouldn't put up with that kind of craziness.
Jacqueline (Easy)
I know a lot of people loved this book, but I'm sorry, is she an idiot? Yes, she had to deal with some pretty serious issues, but she almost got raped by the same guy like three times. TELL SOMEONE. And things just went too perfectly for her regarding her professor giving her another assignment when she fell of the face of the earth when her boyfriend broke up with her. I'm sorry, but that's not how reality works honey.
Belly (We'll Always Have Summer)
Belly didn't annoy me that much in the first two books, but boy did I want to smack her upside the head in the last Summer book. Jeremiah was PERFECT and then you had to go and completely ruin him. Seriously, he became this gross frat guy who was not at all like the Jeremiah in the first two books. Belly has to be stupid and not know which brother she likes, so she just flips back and forth between each brother FOREVER. I was getting some serious whiplash by the end of the series.
Bella (Twilight)
I really don't think I have to explain myself.