
Monday, December 29, 2014

Weekly Roundup [12/23-12/29]

Wow, what a week! I have had no time to work on anything blog related and am so behind on reviews!  But, I had a wonderful Christmas and week with my family. Yesterday was my dad's birthday and we spent the entire day celebrating with the family. We played a round of a game called Settlers of Catan, which my brother's fiancé bought our family for Christmas, and it was a lot of fun. We went to lunch at our favorite Asian restaurant and then went to see Into the Woods. The movie was really good! My favorite part was definitely when the two princes sang the song "Agony" together. So funny! After I work today, I'm going to see The Imitation Game and I could not be more excited! I definitely need some more Benedict Cumberbach in my life! I hope you all have a great week and a happy New Year! 

Book Reviews
How to Love by Katie Cotugno
The Masseuse by Sierra Kincade



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