
Monday, March 9, 2015

Weekly Roundup [3/3-3/9]

Is it just me or does it finally feel like spring? Sure, Friday morning was in the single digits, but it's finally getting up into the 50s! I went outside yesterday and drove around with my windows down because it felt so warm. Goodbye, winter!!! Haha, winter has just lasted far too long and I'm ready for the warmer weather and no more snow. This weekend, while I should have been outside more enjoying the warm weather, I started to watch Parenthood and am officially obsessed. I've only watched three episodes, but it's taking everything in me not to binge watch the entire series instead of getting work done. *sigh* If only it were spring break already…




  1. I love Parenthood! I'm so sad that it's over, but it definitely was a wonderful series. I'm slightly jealous that you get to experience all for the first time!

  2. I seriously can't wait to say goodbye to winter! I love the autumn/winter fashion and colours, but I hate feeling so cold :-( I'm looking forward to sitting in the garden and reading in the sun! <3 lovely wrap up!

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