
Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 2015 TBR Pile

Sorry it's a little late, but here is my March TBR! I have picked out 8 books that I definitely want to read this month and the books include some of my favorite authors. With books by Miranda Kenneally, Emery Lord, and Kim Karr, how could I not be excited!?! Except for Lolita, all of these are books that I got for review, so I better read them all! Here is the full list of what I want to get to this month: 

Slow Burn by K Bromberg
What a Woman by Judi Fennell
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
The 27 Club by Kim Karr
Jesse's Girl by Miranda Kenneally 
The Start of You and Me by Emery Lord
Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

I have been averaging about 10 books a month, so hopefully I can squeeze in a few more books between these to read this month. I am seriously missing the days where I could read almost 20 books a month with absolutely no problem. Real life has begun for me and student teaching is basically an actual job, so no more three day weekends as a college student! If only I could just read all day and never have to leave…but reality calls! That just means I have to make sure I'm reading some really great books that will be worth my while, and I have a feeling these are definitely going to be those kinds of books! What are you all planning on reading this month?


  1. Good luck with your reading this month
    reality sucks when you want to stay reading all day
    Ruty @Reading...Dreaming

  2. Real life always get in the way of the fun stuff like reading. It is a pain when you are in the middle of a great series and you just can't find the time or you are physically too tired to open the book. Frustrating!!!
