
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Contemporary Young Adult Favorites

Growing up as a reader, I could not even begin to imagine life without young adult books. I am so fortunate to have grown up during a time where young adult literature exploded and was a valued genre of the book market. I spent my teen years with my head buried in a book and discovered so many amazing people, places, and stories because of books. I could spend hours in the library browsing and walk out with a stack 10 books high. Even though I'm 21 now, I still love reading young adult books and don't know if I'll every outgrow the genre. While I do enjoy a variety of genres, contemporary romances will always be my favorite. I thought I'd share with you guys a list of my absolute favorite contemporary young adult romances, some new and some old, and hope that you all can enjoy these wonderful stories as much as I do!

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  1. Young adult is quite amazing! I plan on reading many of these books :D

    Cucie @ Cucie reads

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