
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Stacking the Shelves (135)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

For Review

Oh. My. Goodness. So many amazing books. And all of these came in only a three week time period! I am honestly overwhelmed with gratitude towards all of the publishers and authors I work with. How did I get so lucky? When my mom texted me that Jesse's Girl had shown up at our house, I freaked out. I texted a million exclamation points back to my mom and then called my sister to gush about how excited I was. I can't wait to read it! And, of course, I am ecstatic to have SC Stephen's newest book, especially since it's from Kellan's point of view! Ooooh, it's going to be so good! The rest of the books look amazing and I am definitely looking forward to reading them! 

From Library Book Sale

My local library was having their huge book sale where you could fill a bag for only $3. I filled a plastic shopping bag with these 18 books! For only $3! How awesome is that?? 

From Barnes and Noble
I had some money left on the gift card I got for Christmas, so I couldn't resist spending it on these goodies! The two J Lynn novels were on sale 2 for $20 and then I had a 20% off one item coupon, so they ended up being $9 each, which is almost half off! Then I got the other two super cheap and that made it enough to get free shipping. The bad part is, though, that a corner of the cover jacket on Celebrating Pride and Prejudice is torn on the spine! WHY?!?! I am pretty obsessive about the condition of my books, so I was pretty upset when I opened the box to see that tear. I've gotten "used" books on Amazon in better condition than that! Ugh, I guess I just have to live with it…

Random Buy 

I saw this on Amazon used for only $4 and decided to go ahead and get it. I've heard some awesome things about it and I love a good New Adult novel, so I'm definitely going to try to read this one soon! 

From Giveaway

I was extremely lucky to win a giveaway for $20 to Craftedvan from What Sarah Read. The bookmarks from Craftedvan are adorable and it was so hard deciding on what bookmarks I wanted to get! I settled on Cinderella and the mini dessert set. Since I won these, though, they added a  Game of Thrones set and I am so tempted to buy some! We'll see how long I can resist….

That's all for me! What did you add to your shelves this week? 


  1. OMG! I don't know how to form what I want to say! You got such wonderful review books! Then the library sale is awesome! But I think I love the bookmarks the most! I'm definitely going to have to look into them and get some for myself!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Amber @ Paradise of Pages

  2. WOW. Let's just say I'm jealous!

  3. Amazing haul! You had an epic week! There are a few I haven't heard of in there and I'll be checking them out. Thank you for sharing! Happy reading!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

  4. AMAZING HAUL!!!! :) You have had a brilliant few weeks book wise. I wouldn't even know where to begin with those. I hope you enjoy them all :) Here's my STS.

  5. What an awesome haul! Because You'll Never Meet Me is one that I can't wait to read. I really like the cover too. Evermore is a book that I've really loved, though I've heard that most people are meh towards it. I hope you enjoy all your books! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  6. You had a really great haul this week! I used to get big piles of review books every month but had to take a break from it to deal with my own bought books! I still do the occasional read and review for authors though. I wish my library had decent sales! They don't even stock urban fantasy which is why I haven't been there in years! Happy reading!

  7. Amazing haul!!! Enjoy your new books!

    Come and check out OUaT's STS and ENTER our giveaways!

  8. Wow you are so lucky! My library wants $8 per bag and while a generally good deal, they jack the price every year. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  9. Amazing haul,I recognise a few books I have on my own wish list. I love J.Lyn and I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

    My haul can be found here

  10. Can't wait to hear what you think of Seeker, I've heard really mixed things. Enjoy!
    -Jon from Bookish Antics!

  11. The In Death series is a fun one! Jessica Sorensen has a few books of hers on my TBR but have yet to read any of them. I hope you enjoy all these. Happy Reading!
    Here’s my STS.
