
Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekly Roundup [11/12-11/18]

Hey guys! We're getting closer and closer to Thanksgiving! I can just smell the turkey and pumpkin pie already. With Thanksgiving means 5 whole days off from school to spend with my family and catching up on all of the reading I missed because of school work. 5 days may not seem like a while lot, but it is when you haven't had 5 days in a row off since summer! I'm just hoping this next week flies by so that I can have delicious food with my family and then do some serious shopping on Black Friday. But this weekend was definitely a good one! I finally got to see About Time, which was SO GOOD. Seriously, if you haven't seen, then you must! Seeing that movie was definitely the highlight of the weekend :)

Book Reviews
Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson
The Marquess of Cake by Heather Hiestand
Red by Alison Cherry


Blog Tour + Giveaway
Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving Break as well! Hopefully I can get some massive reading done during that time. :) Hope you enjoy your break as well!
