
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (71)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Barnes & Noble

My AMAZING mother bought me this book while I was home last week and words can't even describe how excited I am to read this one. It's about two books deep in my TBR pile, so it's close to reading time! That's the only downside to blogging...too many books to review that I can't immediately read the books I'm dying to read. But as soon as I have time, I am going to absolutely devour this book. I loved the first one and can't wait to fill in all of the missing details. I know I only got one book this week, but I am more excited for this one than if I had twenty new books. Hopefully I love it!

That's all for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? 


  1. Oh nice! Hope you enjoy that one! It's always nice not to add too much to the TBR mountain!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I don't know this one but that said I'm not a massive fan of Forman, sorry :( Really hope you enjoy this one though as you said you liked the first.

  3. Ah, I feel you, Jessica. I have so many books I want devour myself but they're far into my TBR list. Anyway, I have read this book and it is fantastic! I gave this a 4.5/5 and I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did (if not more). Happy reading!

    My STS
    Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

  4. Just One Year is sure popular this week. I'm trying to be good and not pick up too many print books until I conquer my review pile-both print and digital.


  5. I've seen this one around but I haven't read it. Happy reading.

    Tsuki’s STS

  6. I actually just finished reading Just One Day at the beginning of this month.. I don't know how I'll feel bout this novel since I haven't read that many great reviews of it.

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  7. I still have Just One Day in my TBR pile, but I really want to read it. I completely understand your problem about not being able to read the books you are dying to read. I have 3 books to read and review before I will be able to get to Allegiant, which I pre-ordered. Oh well, I will eventually get to it.

    Here is my STS:

  8. I got this one last week too! I can't wait to read it, my mom is digging into it right now and I'm jealous of her!
    My STS

  9. I've been really wanting to read Just One Day since it came out. I've heard so many great reviews on it and it looks like a great book! I think I'm going to buy a copy and just start reading it.
    My StS

  10. I really loved If I Stay & Where She Went but I have to admit to not being such a fan of Just One Day. I really hope you enjoy it =D My STS

  11. I have not read a single Gayle Forman book! I should, right? They come highly recommended to me. Maybe some day! ;D

    Have an awesome week!

    Check out my STS post!
