
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blog Tour + Guest Post: Red by Alison Cherry

Hey everyone! I'm excited to announce that I have a guest post from Alison Cherry to share with you all today! Alison's new book Red came out on October 8th, and it sounds like a fantastic read. Make sure you all check it out! Without further ado, here's Alison Cherry to share her typical day as a writer...


A Typical Writing Day for Alison Cherry

For some reason, I was under the impression that the moment I became a full-time writer, I would magically turn into the kind of person who sat down at my desk at the same time every day, turned off the internet, and churned out words like a machine. I’m sure this will shock no one, but… that didn’t exactly happen.  It turns out that when there’s no boss standing over my shoulder, I am really, really terrible at having a schedule. But I am happy to report that mysteriously enough, I still manage to write books!

Here’s what a typical writing day looks like for me now, insofar as something with no consistency whatsoever can be considered “typical”:

9 AM-ish: Wake up. Check email. Reach for whatever book I fell asleep reading last night and continue reading. Because reading is research, right?

10 AM: Start feeling guilty for not working. Sit up in bed and grab my computer, fully intending to do something productive. Instead, spend an hour reading Twitter and chatting with writer friends.

11 AM: Shower. My brain likes to present me with great story ideas at the least convenient moments possible, so the shower is one of its favorites. I ended up installing a white board IN my shower, so I can now write things down while washing my hair.

Sometime between 11:30 AM and 2 PM: Drag myself and my trusty MacBook Air to my local coffee shop, which has the tastiest waffles ever. (It has gotten to the point where the barista sometimes greets me with, “Hi, Alison! Waffles, right?” I have become that person.) If I can get a writer friend to meet me at the coffee shop for a work date, I am generally way more productive—feeling like I’m accountable to someone helps a lot. In fact, my friend Michelle is sitting across from me as I write this post, and she’s probably the only reason I’m concentrating so well.

Afternoon hours: WRITE! If I’m drafting something new, four hours is usually my limit. (Revising is easier for me, so I can often keep working for eight hours.) I start by going over what I wrote yesterday, which helps me get back into the voice and the rhythm of the story. Then I try to write 1500-2500 new words, but I’m okay with doing less if it’s one of those days when writing feels like pulling teeth. I usually work from a rough outline, and I tend to write in order—if I allow myself to skip around, I’m afraid I’ll just write all the juiciest scenes first and then abandon the project altogether.

I am not a super focused writer; I constantly stop to read and respond to email, check Twitter, eavesdrop on other cafĂ© patrons, and get up for more tea. (Always decaf—caffeine makes me dizzy.) Strangely, I find that multitasking helps me think better. Shifting my focus around keeps me from getting stuck and allows me to come up with more creative solutions.

6:00-ish: Brain starts to melt. Back up files, reward myself with cookies, and put the work-in-progress to bed until tomorrow!


I want to thank Alison SO much for being here today and giving us all a peak into a day in her life! Now that you know all about how she does it, make sure you guys check out her newest release Red!

By Alison Cherry
Release Date: October 8, 2013
Summary: Felicity St. John has it all—loyal best friends, a hot guy, and artistic talent. And she’s right on track to win the Miss Scarlet pageant. Her perfect life is possible because of just one thing: her long, wavy, coppery red hair.

Having red hair is all that matters in Scarletville. Redheads hold all the power—and everybody knows it. That’s why Felicity is scared down to her roots when she receives an anonymous note:

I know your secret.

Because Felicity is a big fake. Her hair color comes straight out of a bottle. And if anyone discovered the truth, she’d be a social outcast faster than she could say "strawberry blond." Her mother would disown her, her friends would shun her, and her boyfriend would dump her. And forget about winning that pageant crown and the prize money that comes with it—money that would allow her to fulfill her dream of going to art school.

Felicity isn’t about to let someone blackmail her life away. But just how far is she willing to go to protect her red cred?


For more information on Alison Cherry and her newest release, check out the following links: 

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