
Friday, October 18, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (107)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What are some of your favorite magazines?

Answer: You know, I actually don't read magazines that much. There is one, though, that I always read because my sister subscribes to it. And that magazine is...

This magazine is SO AWESOME. I am a huge movie buff, so whenever this comes in the mail, I always try to steal it from my sister so that I can read it first. It has everything you could possibly want to know about current movies, and they also talk about books a lot! I always get excited when the cover is a movie/show I love or has a movie that's based off of a book I love. I was definitely super excited when the Divergent and Hunger Games issues came in the mail! 

And that's pretty much the only magazine I regularly read! What about you guys? Are there any magazines you like to read? 


  1. Seeing this one quite a bit! I don't read magazines really myself either!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Seems that Entertainment Weekly is everywhere. Although I do open this magazine sometimes when I could get my hands on it.

    Old follower.

  3. This one is a popular one!
    Following via bloglovin
    Here is our FF

  4. I don't read magazines too. Well, not much. I just read whenever I like to. And that's somewhat rare. lol

  5. I don't read magazines at all. But I have been seeing EW on so many people's lists. As a huge movie nerd as well, I think I may need to check this one out for myself!!!

    New GFC and Bloglovin follower. My FF

  6. I don't actually read many magazines besides the odd one I find lying around. I've noticed that I really like the gossip or fashion magazines, they are just so fun to read. I think I would be interested in this one too. It's always awesome to see what movies are coming out etc.

    -Mari @ The Sirenic Codex

  7. Looks interesting.. Although I never been a fan of magazines. thanks for sharing with us.
    old Follower.My FF

  8. I love movies almost as much as books but have yet to find a good movie magazine. I need to have a look if this one is sold in the UK, or maybe if I can access it online. Some US websites are a bit fussy about my IP and I can't get access.
    Love the logo, by the way.

    Cheers, Katarina :)

    PS. I'll follow you via bloglovin #FF

  9. I used to read and subscribe to magazines but mostly don't have the time for them nowadays. When I do though, my magazines of choice are usually food related - Bon Appetit, EveryDay, Every Day Food, Gourmet, Food & Wine or w/e has an interesting selection of recipes that month. Speaking of which I have a few laying around in preparation for Thanksgiving! :)

    Following via Bloglovin! #FF

    Victoria @ Zemfirka Blogs
