
Friday, October 12, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (58)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie? Please explain in graphic detail of goriness...

Answer: Hmmmmm this is such a hard question! I really don't like reading scary books and the ones I do read have already been made into movies (because then I'm not scared if I know what to expect). I kind of scare easily and look pretty ridiculous in the process...

Hehe, but if I had to choose a book that is turned into a Halloween movie, it would probably be...


Molly Harper's Jane Jameson series. These books aren't scary at all. In fact, they're actually meant to be light, funny paranormal books. And that's why I absolutely love them. But they have vampires and werewolves, so they should count as Halloween themed! It would be awesome if these were turned into a movie/show because I would totally watch it. If you haven't read these, you should seriously consider it! They're perfect for Halloween if you're a wimp like me and are perfectly content to avoid  the whole scary business :)


  1. Ooh nice! Heard about this series but haven't read it!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Light paranormal I can do! ;) Following in return, thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Hey Jessica,

    Nice! I haven't heard of these books, but they seem fun and light. BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Friday!

    Tamara @ Shelf Addiction

  4. That is such a fun series and it would be great to see as movies! I am currently reading the last one in the series! :)

  5. I haven't heard of this series, but it sounds fun. I like funny, light books. I will look into them.

    Here's my Friday Hop

  6. I have never read those books, i think imay have to!

    Check out my FF

  7. I haven't heard of this series but it seems like a great one to check out! New follower! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Never heard of these books before, but I'll check them out!

    And thanks for following! I followed back :)

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

  9. Ha! I love Malfoy's face on that. I'd forgotten how cute he was when a child. ;) Still not my type, but rather cute. :)

    I haven't read that series by Harper. I don't read a lot of paranormal romance...not that I mind paranormal romance. I just end up reading other stuff.

  10. Never heard of these but they sounds good!

    Old Follower! My FF @ Pink Fluffy Hearts

  11. I hadn't heard of that series before but they sound pretty good! ^.^ New follower (Frodosco - GFC). Here is my FF. :)

  12. LOL I love the Malfoy gif! I'm the exact same as you when it comes to scary books :) I just checked out this series on Goodreads & added it to me reading list! Thanks so much for sharing & for stopping by my FFF Old follower.

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  13. Jane Jameson series is great! And there is some gore in those books!

    I am an old GFC follower, here's my FF post for this week.

  14. Great picks! I've seen these books around a lot but I've never read them. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  15. Yes, I'm a wimp too :D

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, old follower :D

  16. I freaking love this series! I'm a big wimp so these would be my kind of Halloween viewing. Thanks for visiting! Old follower.

  17. These look fun. I'll have to add them to my excessive long TBR! Very pretty blog. New follower :)

    shelleybean @
