
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (23)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher

I finally got to come home after 6 weeks at school, so a lot of time has passed since I've gotten books that have been sent home. Don't these look awesome?? I just finished reading Juliet Immortal, so when I saw I got a copy of Romeo Redeemed, I got wayyyy to excited. Haha, I'll probably be reading that one next! That is, if I can find the time in between reading all of the other books I got! 

From Giveaway

I was absolutely ecstatic when I wont this amazing giveaway from Candace's Book Blog. In the box, I won 27 books and a big bag of swag and it is AWESOME! All of these books look so good and I can't wait to get into them! I owe Candace a HUGE thanks for such an awesome giveaway!!!! I'm such a lucky girl :)

And that's everything! I know it's a lot and I'm so excited to be adding so many awesome books to my library! But enough about me. What did you all get this week? I'd love to hear, so don't hesitate to share! 


  1. awesome!!!! i hope you enjoy all of those!!! check out my sts:

  2. Whoa, awesome giveway! I am sooo jealous!

  3. Wow! That is a crazy batch of books! I got a copy of Fang Girl this week as well and I'm pretty excited to read it :) Enjoy!!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration
    My Shelves

  4. oh wow that is AMAZING!! you must be ecstatic winning all of these books!
    and I really enjoyed Velveteen!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  5. Congrats on wining the giveaway!!! Can't wait to see what you think of Tiger Lily.
    Old follower.
    My StS

  6. Wow! I think I might have entered that giveaway! Oh well! Congrats!! Very nice haul there! It's practically its own TBR pile! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Congrats on winning all those books!:)

  8. WOW I am in awe of that win! That is epic! So many amazing books! You have had an amazing book week!! I hope you enjoy them all =)

    Our StS for the week =)

  9. wow! thats a great win from the giveaway! congrats. i hope you enjoy all the books!

    Check out my mailbox!

  10. So many books. WOW. Lucky you, I hope you enjoy them all.

  11. So many books. O_O Happy reading.

  12. Great haul.

    I've put The Opposite of Hallelujah and The Montmaray Trilogy on to my Wish List thanks to various bloggers.

    Thanks and enjoy your reads.

    Please feel free to check out my haul posting.

  13. Candace is very generous. That is one incredible haul.

  14. Wow. What an amazing haul! That is one awesome giveaway that you won. Happy reading!

    Here’s my Stacking The Shelves!

  15. WOW, those are fantastic books. Kinda jealous, if I'm being honest! I just love the Fitzosbourne's cover.

  16. You got an awesome stack of books this week! I hope you enjoy everything =D

    My IMM
