
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Book Review: The Unfailing Light by Robin Bridges

The Unfailing Light
By Robin Bridges
Release Date: October 9, 2012
Source: Publisher
Summary: Lush and opulent, romantic and sinister, The Unfailing Light, Volume II in The Katerina Trilogy, reimagines the lives of Russia's aristocracy in a fabulously intoxicating and page-turning fantasy.

Having had no choice but to use her power has a necromancer to save Russia from dark forces, Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, now wants to forget that she ever used her special powers. She's about to set off to pursue her lifelong dream of attending medical school when she discovers that Russia's arch nemesis--who she thought she'd destroyed--is still alive. So on imperial orders, Katerina remains at her old finishing school. She'll be safe there, because the empress has cast a potent spell to protect it against the vampires and revenants who are bent on toppling the tsar and using Katerina for their own gains. But to Katerina's horror, the spell unleashes a vengeful ghost within the school, a ghost more dangerous than any creature trying to get in.

Review: Don't get me wrong, this was definitely a unique book that had a great storyline, I just couldn't seem to get into it. Maybe it's because I didn't read the first book in this series, but I found myself not being able to connect with Katerina and her story. 

Katerina is a necromancer living in Russia in 1889. Katerina is so excited to finally be able to go to school to become a female doctor, but in order protect herself from the dark forces, she must stay at her finishing school where she'll be safe. The only problem, though, is that a ghost is haunting the school and things are becoming way to dangerous for the girls living there. Can Katerina find out who this ghost is and stop her before someone gets seriously hurt? 

All of Katerina's powers and the world she lived in was kind of confusing at the beginning. Like I said, it may be because I didn't read the first book, but all of the characters jumbled together because their names were all so similar. I wasn't quite sure who the bad guys were/what they were doing that was so bad, but I knew Katerina was one of the only people powerful enough to stop them. I really liked Katerina's character and how caring and compassionate she was. What I could have done without, though, was how Katerina would say "mon dieu!" practically every other page. Doesn't she know any other expression? And I wish there was more romance in this book, but I guess I missed that in the first one. 

So overall, this story has the potential to being really great, but it just wasn't for me. Maybe if things weren't so confusing and there was more action, I would have been more into it. If you're a fan of the first book, though, I would definitely recommend reading this book! The time period is so interesting and I love the added magic aspect to it. For all of you other readers, I would high recommend reading the first book before trying this one out. ***Enter here for your chance to win your own copy of The Unfailing Light***

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