
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday (31)

Shelf Candy is a meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews and every Saturday, bloggers choose a book whose cover really catches their eye. I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I always do, so I'm choosing books whose cover alone made me pick it up. So I hope you enjoy my shelf candy!


I got these books to review and I instantly fell in love with their covers! They're just so fun and really capture the attitude of the books. The books are paranormal romance with a little bit of humor thrown in, and I definitely get that fun vibe from them. And the colors are awesome! I'm all about color, so I love how such bright colors are used in the titles that match the pictures so well. Just looking at them makes me want to go pick up the next one right now! You should definitely try these books out if you have the chance because not only are the covers great, the stories are great as well!


  1. I love the Jane Jameson books! The covers took me awhile to warm up to - but i love love love the books :)

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

  2. I haven't read anything by Molly Harper, but this series has some very hot covers. They certainly show forth the premise of the books. Great choice. Thank you for sharing.

  3. love these covers going to GR to check them out!

  4. These covers are great. They tie into the titles well and the font is awesome. Great choice, thanks for sharing. my scs

  5. I have these books but haven't read them yet but I have read (and loved) Molly Harper's Naked Werewolf series!

    I'm not a big fan of the Jane Jameson covers but I do like the font and the similarities between the covers. You can easily tell that they are a series.

  6. Ooh! I'm glad you've read these. I've seen them around and have been curious about them. I like the covers a lot and they do look playful and fun. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Shelf Candy day. You can check out mine here:


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