
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (34)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Have you ever bought a book BECAUSE of a bad review? 

Answer: I actually have not. I normally don't buy a book because of the reviews. If it looks good, I'll buy it. Book buying for me usually entails me just going to the bookstore and seeing what catches my eye, not what has caught other people's eyes. Half Price Books is my FAVORITE store because I always find awesome books in the clearance section that I totally wasn't expecting, so I always leave the store feeling happy. What about you guys? Have you ever bought a book because you knew others didn't like it? 


  1. I do the same! If people I know who like the same books I do, reads something and says its bad. I usually take their review to heart. I have wayyy too many books on the ol TBR mountain to try out others.

    Of course if some of the books I have get a poor review, amongst good reviews, I still try it out since I already bought it and all!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I haven't bought one because of a bad review, but I've definitely read them. A great review can make me want the book and a bad review has no real effect on my desire to read it. I'm more like you-I want what catches MY eye.

    My FF

  3. Oohh, I'd like to visit Half Price books! We don't have one of those here.

    My FF

  4. I have a similar book store in my city, it's great! I'm a new follower by the way :)

  5. Hi there :) just hopping through. Nope never because of a bad review.

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  6. I do the same at a book store!

    Hopping through and have a great Easter!

    My FF

  7. I usually don't like reviews take into account, If I like what I see and the summary then I would get it.

    New Follower.
    My Follow Friday

  8. Umm, no. I personally have not bought a book that I've read negative reviews about.

    Stop by my Follow Friday post!

  9. Wow, so many people don't.. I have often read books because of negative reviews. XD

    Patricia // My FF

  10. Good answer, have a great week-end.

  11. I love going to my used bookstore and checking out their clearance section too. :)

    New follower! :) Here's my Here's my Follow Friday!

  12. New follower here =)I love your layout btw.

    My Answer: No, Reviews matter a lot to me. Not unless the book became controversial that I would really feel the need to read that book.

  13. I'm a new follower:

    I'm a person who relies heavily on the library for my books. That way, if I don't like it, I can return it without losing any money!

    Happy Friday!

  14. No...I don't get what sense there is in reading a book because of a negative review :) I don't really buy books because of any kind of reviews, either, simply because I love the freedom of buying a book only because cover and synopsis appeal to me!
    New follower, by the way.
    If you have time, check out my FF here:

  15. Yep, same here! If a book has bad reviews, I'd rather just take it out of the library first. That way, if I like, I can always buy it. If I don't, then I don't really lose out on anything (except maybe time, lol).

    Old follower here! Happy Friday :).

    My TGIF/F&F @ YA Books

  16. Great post! Thought I was following you but I guess I stand corrected. New Follower x] have a wonderful weekend!

    My Follow Friday

  17. I love that picture, Jessica! It's AWESOME! And I totally agree with you.

    Old follower stopping by! ♥ Have a great Friday! :)

    Here is my FF

  18. Hi,
    New follower, love your site!! I wouldn't intentionally buy a book BECAUSE it had a bad review, but I have readbook with bad reviews and loved them. For me it is based on the book and the author, I wouldn't let a bad review influence me if I was interested in the book.
    My FF:
