
Sunday, April 8, 2012

In My Mailbox (31)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

I've been at school for about a month since spring break, so when I came home for Easter I had two stacks of books waiting for me! Woo too! I have no idea how I'm going to read all of them, but I'll make it work because the books I got are amazing! Here they all are from the front :)


I know it's a lot, but remember it's from an entire month! I'm so excited for practically every single book that I don't even know when to start! I'm going to be reading like CRAZY the next month to try and read all of these! Check back for reviews of the books! I'll try to read as fast as I can :)

That's it for me! What did you all get this week? 


  1. Wooow! What a fantastic IMM! Hope you find the time to read al of these wonderfull books.

    If you like to see my In my mailbox you can click on it.

    Happy easter! Mariska

  2. OOOh awesome!! Got an early copy of Taken at Dusk I see! Can't wait to read that one! These days its hard to get over envious of reads I want that other bloggers get, my TBR pile is just insane!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Hmmm...I hate to be critical because this is the first time I've visited your blog (I was looking for the 4/8 post for Vicky Dreiling's book blog hop, sad it's not here yet) but your white type face on this light pink background is VERY, VERY hard to read. You might want to consider changing to black type. Just MHO.

  4. Now that's a haul the nice girls series looks pretty good, i think i will add those to the lust list, and man oh man I hear Belles is very good, I hope you enjoy them. Your books look awesome!!

  5. Such pretty books! I've heard that When You Were Mine is really good.

  6. I am so looking forward to Taken at Dusk. I haven't read Awake at Dawn yet but I have had it sitting on my shelf for ages so I am just going to read them both together. I hope you enjoy all your books. Happy reading :)

  7. Great haul this month!! I have read In Honor and loved it. Such A Rush is on my list of books I want.

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my IMM

  8.'ve got a great bundle there! My wishlist is growing now with seeing all these new books! :)

  9. ooooo you have so many good books i dont even know where to start!!!! how friggin fabulous!!!! love in honor and such a rush!!! so amazing!!!!! i seriously want like all of those books!!! great great books!!!! ooo and you were mentioned in my IMM this week!!! i got the book and thank you so much!!!
    Tara's IMM

  10. that's a whole lot of books! Have fun!!

  11. Jessica!! AMAZING MAILBOX :) ;) Enjoy all your awesome books this week and happy Easter ;) :)

  12. Great books, must have been SO much fun to find them all waiting for you!

    Happy reading!

  13. Wow, that's a lot of books. And they all look so good! Great IMM! New GFC follower :)

  14. Amazing haul! The covers all look awesome. I love the cover of Such a rush. :)

  15. Awesome mailbox! I hope you love them all. Thanks for stopping by!

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  16. Awesome stack of books! Thanks for stopping by The Book Bag!

  17. totally jealous that you got such a rush. it looks really good. and all those molly harpers look fun. i haven't read anything by her yet but i want to. great haul. happy reading!

  18. I've seen Belles all over the place and it looks really good. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  19. That is so many books! They all look awesome. Overseas definitely caught my attention.

    My IMM post is here

  20. So jealous of those first three, especially In Honor looks amazing!:)

  21. You got awesome books! I'm pretty jealous :P
    Happy Easter :)

  22. Lia's Guide looks sooooo fun! I've only seen a few reviews of it! I really want to read it!

  23. Super awesome mailbox! I'm totally jealous :) Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!

  24. I really like some of those covers and will check them out. Nice loot!
    Oh, btw, I totally love the name of your blog.

  25. Great stuff!! I'm gonna get When You Were Mine and Such a Rush too!! Can't wait!!

    My IMM

  26. Oh my gosh Belles! Can't wait to know what you think about it! :) Happy reading with your fabulous haul! <3


    Bookworm mia

  27. Wow! I have heard great things about Belles. I hope you enjoy all your reads:)

  28. Nice haul on the books. Belles looks interesting

  29. In Honor, When You Were Mine and Such a Rush are all on my TBR list, enjoy all your new titles:)

  30. I love the cover for Such a Rush. Love your header! It's adorable. Thanks for stopping by!

  31. What a fantastic IMM! I've heard great things about Belles and In Honor is on my wishlist. Great books!

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!
    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books

  32. Such A Rush and In Honor are amazing! I hope that you enjoy your new books!

    Ladybug Storytime

  33. Wow! What a nice haul of books!! I love vampire stories, so the "Nice Girls Dont't..." series looks like something I will have to look into! Some of the covers are really intriguing as well, like Such a Rush and Taken at Dusk!

    Happy Reading! ~


  34. You have an awesome mailbox haul! I'm drooling over the books that you got! Hope you enjoy them!

    Happy Reading~

    We Fancy Books

  35. SUCH A RUSH. Oh my gosh, that one sounds amazing! I hope you like it :) And When You Were Mine has catched my attention, too.

    Happy reading :)

  36. Such fantastic books!
    Enjoy :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    The Muggle
