
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (3)

This is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where every Wednesday bloggers highlight a book that they are eagerly anticipating the release of! 

The Predicteds
By Christine Seifert
Release Date: September 1st
Summary: Daphne is the new girl in town and is having trouble fitting in. At least she has Jesse... sort of. He wants to be more than "just friends," but there's something he's not telling her about his past. Something dangerous. When a female student is brutally attacked, police turn to PROFILE, a new program that can predict a student's capacity for drug use, pregnancy, and violent behavior, to solve the case. As the witch hunt ensues, Daphne is forced to question her feelings for Jesse-and what she will do if her first love turns out to be a killer.

I've seen this book around other WoW's in the past weeks and it had definitely made it's way onto my TBR list! First, the cover is sooooo pretty! I love how it's so bright but her face is distorted by the cubes. Then, reading the summary, it sounds awesome! I love romances, so Daphne and Jesse's relationship sounds so intriguing! Is her first love a killer? Or are the clues just pointing to him to test their relationship? Ooooh it sounds so good!! I seriously can't wait for this one to come out! 


  1. Ah ha! A book that I have not yet heard of. I will be sure to check it out.

  2. I like the cover, too! And the story sounds interesting. A bit thriller, a bit romance. My TBR stack grows again!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. OOOH! I am excited for this one too. Love the premise!

  4. The cover reminds me a little bit of the new one for The Fox Inheritance. It's really cool. That profiling system sounds kind of creepy. This sounds like a good one! Thanks!

  5. This book looks so good. I can't wait for this one too!

  6. hmmmm....... I am intrigued.

  7. This does look interesting. I've been seeing this on a few other blogs, and now I'm really looking forward to reading it!

  8. Ooo. Wow. Nice concept -- great WoW pick!

  9. I also have really been looking forward to this one-- the cover is very unique and creative with the pixelation, and the story sounds like it'll one of those ones that you can't stop reading till the very end! Thanks for sharing :)

    You can see my WoW post for this week at the link below-- would love if you stopped by! Happy reading :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  10. Woohoo! This looks sooo good! =D

  11. Great pick! I haven't seen it around before, thank you for the finding.

  12. This one's on my list too, great pick. I'm really looking forward to it. =D

  13. You're right, this novel sounds like a blast! Great pick. Like you, I really like the cover and the idea of the first love being a killer.

  14. Thanks for stopping by! This one does sound cool - I'm not generally a big sci-fi fan but it's got the kind of technology sci-fi angle that appeals to me :D

  15. Thanks for the blog comment! I just recently heard about this one and I have already added it to my TBR list. Great pick!
