
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Same Cover, Different Book

So I was at Barnes and Noble the other day looking in the YA section when I saw Lurlene McDaniel's Reaching Through Time on the shelf. The cover looked so familiar and I could have sworn that the same couple was on a Simone Elkeles book. So, I went down the shelf to where Return to Paradise was and saw that they were the EXACT SAME POEPLE. This reminded me of how the girl on the Evermore cover was on the cover of North of Beautiful. Curious to find other books with the same cover, I googled it and found the goodreads list of "Cover Couples," or covers with the same pictures on them. I found so many! Some pictures are on three entirely different books! Here are some that I found: 



Isn't that a ton??? And a lot of these covers were on other lists on goodreads for how amazing the cover is. Too bad there's another book with the same exact cover! I don't know if the authors know there's a book with the same cover out there, but I would be so mad about it! I would want my book to be unique and awesome on it's own, not be the same as another book! But I just thought this was interesting and wondered how many other people actually realized that they've seen the cover before. 


  1. I can only imagine how frustrating this would be to the authors!

  2. Crazy eh! I know there is a blogger who makes a post when they find these, just can't think of who now. It must be embarrassing for the author :(

  3. I'd be really upset if it was me. Unless I was the lesser known author and it helped sell my book(LOL)! But really, can't they come up with an original book cover instead of using the same one. Shouldn't there be a copyright on the cover for the author's sake? Are we really that desperate that we have to reuse covers and can't come up with new covers for new books? It's a shame authors don't have more say in their covers.


  4. That's pretty cool! Have noticed some like that myself! Can't remember the title of one book but it was by Christine Warren and the other one was Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach. The couple's the same, but there's some obvious tweaking!

  5. It sure is a lot! I guess thatn publishers think the readers will not notice, just seems lazy...

  6. Wow, good job spotting all these covers!
    Any idea if this is something that's only happening with YA novels, or is it commonplace with 'adult' books as well? I have this feeling it's a YA novels phenomenon, although I'm not sure why I feel this way.

  7. has a few posts on multiple covers with the same image and most of them are not YA.
    I cant believe the designers would be unaware of this when they purchase copyrighted images.

  8. Wow! that is crazy, who would have known? Thanks for compiling & sharing, Jessica

  9. I was at target the other day-who doesn't have a huge book section by any means and I saw 2 books- Debbie Macomber 'out of the rain' and Tess Stimson 'whats mine is yours' with the same cover. Thought it was odd that no one would've caught it but now I see its not so weird.
