
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Off to college...

Tomorrow I am heading off to college!! Woo hoo!! I'm so excited to be starting college! I'll be majoring in Secondary English Education (I'm gonna be an English Teacher :) ) and I can't wait to start school! I am going to be living in the prettiest dorm I've ever seen! Here's a picture :) 

All of my stuff barely fit into the car, but it's all strapped in and ready to go! So I'm not going to be blogging as frequently as I have been, but I'll still stop by as much as I can! Hopefully at least four times a week. So that's my life right now! I actually really can't wait for this creative writing class I'm taking! I haven't really written that much, I'm more of a reader, but my major requires this class so I'm taking it! Hopefully it can be a bit like Love Story by Jennifer Echols where I can find some cute guy to write my stories about :) 

Haha, just kidding! But I think it'll be really fun and I really can't wait! And I'm taking a literature class, so that should be fun too! Hopefully they won't keep me too busy from reading and reviewing! I guess we'll see when I get there! College here I come! 


  1. Bon voyage! Have fun. :)

  2. Best of luck! I hope you enjoy all your courses.

  3. Good luck! That dorm looks a lot like the dorms at the college I went to!

  4. That definitely is the prettiest dorm ever! So beautiful :)

  5. Best of luck to you, what an exciting time! And yay for English teachers, that's fantastic. I love your dorm, so gorgeous. I hope you enjoy it all!
