
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I REALLY Want to Meet

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Top Ten Authors I REALLY Want to Meet

1. Nicholas Sparks

2. JK Rowling 

3. Samantha Young

4. Jennifer Echols

5. Simone Elkeles

6. Cora Carmack 

7. Katie McGarry 

8. Jennifer Armentrout

9. John Green 

10. Stephanie Perkins 


  1. Nice! Expecting Rowling to be on every list today practically! And oooh! Love Jennifer Armentrout's books!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Meeting Jennifer L. Armentrout would be super interesting. She writes so many books, it would be interesting to know how she does it.

    You can check out my list here:

  3. I have Samantha Young and Cora Carmack on my list too! JLA is super sweet in person. I loved meeting her!!!

  4. Really cool picks! These are some talented authors :)

  5. Simone Elkeles is AWESOME! She's super nice! I'd love to meet JK Rowling, but that's just a dream. Great list, I hope you get to meet them all someday!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  6. JKR is a popular choice this week, she totally made the top of my list too ♥ I've actually met JLA and she's very sweet, I'd love to meet her again :) I hope you get to meet all of these authors soon^^ x

  7. Great list!! I've had the chance to meet Armentrout, Perkins, and Carmack or they definitely would have made my list this week as well. I would love to met John Green and J.K. Rowling as well. I hope you have the chance to meet some of them some day.

    Here is my TTT:

  8. Great list! I've heard Jennifer Armentrout is such fun to meet in person. Almost all the authors on your list are authors that I'm dying to try.

  9. Lovely picks here Jessica! Can't believe I forgot John Green- oops!! Rowling would be a dream to meet :-) Here's my TTT if you would like to check it out :-) Have a great day!

  10. John Green would be fun to meet in real life!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  11. JK Rowling was on mine too!
    My TTT:
