
Monday, May 11, 2015

Blog Tour/Giveaway: Swept Away by Michelle Dalton

Swept Away (Sixteenth Summer)
by Michelle Dalton
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Release Date: May 5th 2015
Rate: 3 Stars


Beachfront love blossoms in this refreshing summer romance, in the tradition of Sixteenth Summer and Seventeenth Summer.

Mandy Sullivan isn’t exactly looking forward to the summer months as tourists invade her seaside hometown on the coast of Maine. Her best friend, Cynthia, has abandoned her for camp and her older brother just announced he’ll be staying at college taking classes for the summer, leaving Mandy with nothing to do and no one to hang out with. Hoping to keep herself busy, Mandy takes a volunteer job at the Rocky Pointe Lighthouse. On her very first day, Oliver Farmingham asks for a private tour. A new—and incredibly cute—face in Rocky Pointe, Oliver seems more interested in Mandy than the lighthouse and its history.

Without her best friend at her side, Mandy is scrambling to act the right way and say the right things when Oliver is around. Cynthia—not Mandy—has always been the confident, flirtatious girl that everyone wanted to be around. As Mandy and Oliver spend more time together exploring the coast, biking through the woods, and attending the local summer festivals, their budding friendship becomes much more. But with Mandy’s insecurities creeping to the surface, can she open her heart to someone who will only be in town for three months?

Although they may be cliche, I absolutely love summer romance books that take place in a summer town. There's just something about having all day to have fun, fall in love, and live life that I love in the fluffy romances. Sometimes, though, the stories really are a bit cliche and not as awesome as I hope…

With her best friend leaving for drama camp and her mom forcing her to work at the local lighthouse, Mandy Sullivan isn't too excited for summer. Until she meets the cute new tourist in town named Oliver, that is. Soon, Mandy finds herself running into Oliver everywhere, who starts showing more interest in Mandy the more time they spend together. As Mandy and Oliver start to fall for each other, she soon realizes how quickly summer will be over and Oliver will be leaving. Can she let herself fall for someone who she knows won't stick around? 

Keeping in mind that this is YA and will sound a bit juvenile when it comes to Mandy's instant crush on Oliver, I actually liked their relationship. There were ups and downs that were actually realistic instead of having everything work out for them as soon as they decide to fall for each other. There are moments when they're annoyed with one another and their relationship is put to the test, which is something missing in a lot of YA romances. I also liked how Mandy was forced to realize things about herself when her best friend Cynthia was gone and she got to be her own person for once. 

On to the things I wasn't so fond of in this book. First? The insta-love. I don't know, I feel like Oliver and Mandy fell for each other a little too quickly and Mandy didn't really have to work to get Oliver to like her. He just conveniently showed up everywhere she was. Also, the storyline was entertaining, but very predictable. I knew what would happen with Oliver's uncle and what his secret was right when certain details were revealed. Also, there were a lot of events that went on that I felt like this was more episodic than an actually novel. I wish there was more originality and surprise than we got. 

I really did enjoy the story and the cute, fluffy romance of this story, I just wish it weren't so predictable or quick on the attraction. If you are looking for a light, fun YA romance for the summer, you definitely should check out Swept Away. If you're looking for something more, though, then I'd skip this one.

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Michelle Dalton is one of the many names Carla Jablonski uses when writing. Her two YAs written as Carla Jablonski (published by Razorbill/Penguin), Thicker than Water and Silent Echoes, were included on the NYPL Books for the Teen Age list, and her graphic novel trilogy Resistance (illustrated by Leland Purvis, published by :01 Books) has won several awards, including the Sydney Taylor Silver Medal. In addition to writing novels she is an actor, playwright, and former trapeze artist. A native New Yorker, she is eternally grateful to her friends who invite her to their beach houses.

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