
Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekly Roundup [1/27-2/2]

IT'S FEBRUARY! I felt like January was never going to end! Seriously, what's up with that? I am definitely looking forward to February and all this month has in store for me! So many amazing movies are coming out and I get to go home for two separate weekends, each involving some pretty fun stuff! I'll also be starting a unit on sonnets at school and then we'll be moving onto A Midsummer Nights Dream. Nothing like a little Shakespeare to liven things up! I'm super excited that I have the opportunity to teach Shakespeare during my student teaching. Hopefully the kids enjoy it! Nothing else has really been going on except for the fact that I pretty much holed up in my room all day yesterday reading Outlander and am still only halfway through. While it's even more amazing than I thought it would be, that book is SO LONG. Hopefully I can finish it up this week! 

Book Reviews
Can't Always Get What You Want by Chelsey Krause
Just One More Day by Jessica Blair



1 comment:

  1. I should really read Outlander. It is on my kindle and tried reading it a few years ago but just couldn't make it all the way through. It has been on my mind to give it a second try, thanks for reminding me. Have a great week!
