
Monday, February 2, 2015

Release Day Launch: Verum by Courtney Cole

VERUM, the second book in Courtney Cole's psychological mind-bending NOCTE Trilogy, is here.


My name is Calla Price and Iím drowning.

My new world is a dark, dark ocean and Iím being pulled under by secrets.

Can I trust anyone? I donít know anymore.

The lies are spirals. They twist and turn, binding me with their thorns and serpentine tongues. And just when I think I have it figured out, everything is pulled out from under me.

Iím entangled in the darkness.

But the truth will set me free.

Itís just ahead of me, so close I can touch it. But even though it shines and glimmers, it has glistening fangs and I know it will shred me.

Are you scared?

I am.


Get VERUM (Nocte Trilogy #2): Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
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Get NOCTE, the first book in the trilogy: Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Sign up for Courtney Cole's Superfan Newsletter to get updates on LUX, the final book in the NOCTE Trilogy, coming Summer 2015.

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