
Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekly Roundup [11/11-11/17]

Sorry if it was a bit quiet around here over the weekend. I spent Friday and Saturday in East Lansing, MI at the NIRCA nationals, where running clubs from across the country competed against one another. While it was freezing and I could barely feel my toes all day Saturday, I had so much fun and was really proud of my performance! I ran my first mile in 6:45 and kept an average pace of 7:18 for the entire 6k, which is 3.73 miles. Not too shabby! I spent my Saturday night snuggled up in my warm bed, catching up on the newest episode of Stalker. On Sunday, I went to Half Price Books to use my 50% off coupon and it was so hard trying to decide on only one book to get! I had it narrowed down to My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick and After by Anna Todd. Since I have already read My Life Next Door and only wanted to buy it for the pretty hardback cover, I decided to buy After since I will actually read it in the near future. I've heard some wonderful things about Anna Todd's series and can't wait to check it out for myself. I ran a bunch of other errands after that and came home to catch up on some homework and the two most recent episodes of How to Get Away with Murder while knitting some Christmas presents. The episodes were so good!! And I had a lovely end to a great weekend! 

Book Reviews
Midnight Action by Elle Kennedy
Hard Time by Cara McKenna
Final Lap by Erin McCarthy



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