
Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekly Roundup [7/15-7/21]

Hello, everyone! I hope you guys had a fantastic weekend! My last couple of days have been nice and relaxing. I went to our local farmer's market on Saturday and then saw Begin Again, which was amazing. There hasn't been a lot of promotion for the movie, but Kiera Knightly, Mark Ruffalo, and Adam Levine are all in it and it was great! Then on Sunday I went to Half Price Books again, even though I definitely don't need any more books. But with a 50% off coupon, how could you blame me? Looking forward to next weekend, I am beyond excited for Saturday to come because I'll be relaxing on a beach in South Carolina and that will only be the beginning of my week long vacation. I already have a stack of 9 books I'm taking on the trip with me and I absolutely can't wait to spend all day for seven days straight lying on a beach and reading to my heart's content. I'll share my stack of vacation reads sometime soon, so be sure to keep your eye out for that! Until we leave on Friday, though, I'll be working and packing! Is five days before leaving too soon to start packing?

Book Reviews
When Day Breaks by Maya Banks
Hexed by Michelle Krys


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