
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (105)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher

OH MY GOSH. I got crazy good books in the mail this week! Both Alice Clayton and Rainbow Rowell's newest releases show up in my mailbox within days of each other? Someone pinch me now! I absolutely can't wait to read these two. Don't be surprised if I have them read by the time this post is even published...

From Giveaway
I was so lucky to win a Fault In Our Stars giveaway from Fiction Folio! I received a tote bag with the quote "Maybe okay will be our always" and the movie tie-in addition of The Fault In Our Stars. I absolutely love the tote and the book cover is so cute! Thanks, Tara, for the wonderful giveaway!

From Barnes & Noble

Have I mentioned that I love my mother? Because she's pretty amazing. I went out to dinner with my mom and dad last night and my dad wanted to stop by Barnes and Noble to look for books that he would like. My mom offered to buy me a book because she understands where my obsession for reading came from (her). I picked out Cora Carmack's new book and I am beyond excited to read it! 


  1. You had an AWESOME week. I have one more book to finish before I can start Landline, which I'm dying to read. I also have All Lined Up, but I want to read Finding It to finish off that series first. I LOVE your TFIOS bag. Super cool!

    Here is my STS:

  2. I'm so jealous that you have Landline! I can't wait to hear what you have to say about it, plus that The Fault in Our Stars bag is really nice!

    Here's my STS:

  3. I really really enjoyed Landline, I hope you do! It had a nice ending too :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  4. Ooh, nice haul! I can't wait to read Landline and All Lined Up (love both authors!) and the tote bag is seriously awesome ;) Happy reading this week!

    My StS .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  5. OOOh nice!! Looks like you had a great week! Enjoy your goodies!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Ohmygoodness I'm so jealous that you have Landline!! I've been DYING to read it!!! The wait is killing me. I enjoyed All Lined Up and I hope you do too. :) Enjoy your new goodies!!

  7. I've heard a lot about Rainbow Rowell but unfortunately have yet to read any of her stuff. I am working on that though. :)

    Awesome haul! Thanks for sharing. And happy reading!

    Amelia | The Authoress
