
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Book Review: Take Me On by Katie McGarry

Take Me On
By Katie McGarry
Release Date: May 27, 2014
Source: Library
Summary: Champion kickboxer Haley swore she'd never set foot in the ring again after one tragic night. But then the guy she can't stop thinking about accepts a mixed martial arts fight in her honor. Suddenly, Haley has to train West Young. All attitude, West is everything Haley promised herself she'd stay away from. Yet he won't last five seconds in the ring without her help.

West is keeping a big secret from Haley. About who he really is. But helping her-fighting for her-is a shot at redemption. Especially since it's his fault his family is falling apart. He can't change the past, but maybe he can change Haley's future.

Hayley and West have agreed to keep their relationship strictly in the ring. But as an unexpected bond forms between them and attraction mocks their best intentions, they'll face their darkest fears and discover love is worth fighting for.

Review: Seriously? I mean, seriously? How can Katie McGarry keep on writing books that are utterly perfect? While Crash Into You is still my favorite of hers, I absolutely loved her latest release in the Pushing the Limits series. 

After leaving her grandfather's gym for the guy who she thought she could trust her heart with, Hayley goes through a horrible breakup and has sworn she's never going to fight again. But when the guy that crashed into her life takes on a fight for her, Hayley has to train him if he has a chance of surviving in the ring. West Young's family is falling apart and putting up a bad boy front is the only way he knows how to deal with the world around him. As Hayley and West spend more time with each other in and outside of the gym, Hayley finds herself falling for a fighter, which she promised she'd never, ever do again. As he falls more and more for Hayley, West has a secret that could ruin his relationship with Hayley, even if he does survive the fight in the end. 

Like I said, wow. I absolutely loved Hayley and West. Hayley is a girl who sticks to her guns and really hates taking help from anyone, even if she could really use their help. Having such a difficult past with her ex-boyfriend and family drama, Hayley really doesn't have anyone she can truly turn to for support and comfort. That's why when West enters the picture with his teasing and won't-take-no attitude, Hayley wants nothing to do with him. But West is pretty persistent and the more Hayley gets to know West and finds herself opening up to him, the more she doesn't really mind having him around. The way Hayley and West dance around their feelings for each other makes the story much more engaging and you can't wait to see where their relationship will end up. 

I wasn't sure how I was going to like the fighting aspect of this novel, but I absolutely loved it! I loved how Hayley was athletic and how she could hold her own with the guys. As an athlete myself, I loved how Hayley would train West and their relationship really grew as they spent time in the gym together. Not only did they bond over fighting, but West and Hayley were also able to connect over their dysfunctional families and struggles in surviving on their own. 

I loved Haley and West as the main characters, but the other characters of the book added even more to the story. Abby was awesome and I loved how she kind of befriended West, but also made it clear that she preferred being on her own. We also get a little bit more of Rachel and Isaiah, who are by far my favorite couple ever. Also, Hayley's family were a huge part of her story in this novel, which made her life seem much more realistic and a whole lot more complicated. 

Katie McGarry delivers yet again in another emotional romance that is impossible to put down. The characters not only have to deal with high school drama, but also the question of where their home really is and who they can really trust in life. I could not get enough of Hayley and West and was so sad when the story was over. While I will definitely miss Hayley and West, I can't wait for more of Echo and Noah in the next release of one of my favorite YA series.


  1. I really need to get on this series! I'm always hearing such great things about the other books, and this one seems to be another great book. I'll definitely be picking up Pushing the Limits soon!

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