
Friday, February 7, 2014

Blog Tour/Giveaway: The Glass Casket by McCormick Templeman

The Glass Casket
By McCormick Templeman
Release Date: February 11, 2014
Source: Tour
Summary: Death hasn't visited Rowan Rose since it took her mother when Rowan was only a little girl. But that changes one bleak morning, when five horses and their riders thunder into her village and through the forest, disappearing into the hills. Days later, the riders' bodies are found, and though no one can say for certain what happened in their final hours, their remains prove that whatever it was must have been brutal.

Rowan's village was once a tranquil place, but now things have changed. Something has followed the path those riders made and has come down from the hills, through the forest, and into the village. Beast or man, it has brought death to Rowan's door once again.

Only this time, its appetite is insatiable.

Review: Lately, for some reason, I have been having some huge misconceptions about books before I read them. I have an idea of what they're going to be going in, and end up reading a story I hadn't expected at all. Based on the cover of The Glass Casket, I was expecting a creepy paranormal, but instead got a thrilling fairy tale that was both dangerous and enchanting at the same time. 

Rowan Rose has been used to living a quiet life in her quiet village with her father. But one day, when five riders come thundering through the village on their horses, disappear into the forest, and never return, the villagers decide to look for them. Up in the snowy hill, they find death and destruction, a bloody sight no wild animal could have caused. Upon the villagers' return, death seems to have followed them as people from the village begin to die gruesome, inexplicable deaths. Rowan's father seems to know something, and when her best friend starts acting strange, Rowan knows it's time to get down to the bottom of whatever is lurking in the darkness of the village.  

Like I said, this one was much different than I was expecting. The whole setting and storyline reminded me of the movie Red Riding Hood, where there's mysterious magic going on that's affecting the once quiet, innocent village. The characters, though, are what made the story for me. I really liked Rowan and the village she lived in- everyone knew each other and the way things were just worked for them. But when tragedy struck, their relationships were put to the test. Also, Tom and Jude were polar opposites, yet they both intertwined in Rowan's life in such perfect ways.

The whole mystery behind the killings was so creepy and you really have no idea how to explain anything until the very end. While the build up is a little slow, by the time Rowan really gets into trying to figure out what exactly the beast is, the story picks up and you won't want to put it down. Also, I didn't mind the little romance that was going on. With so many possible romantic interests in Rowan's life, it's interesting how she deals with listening to her heart versus listing to her head. 

Overall, The Glass Casket was a creepy fairy tale that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. I wish the story was more fast-paced near the beginning, but the character and plot development worked for how things escalated so quickly near the end. The mystery and scary nature of this book keep things intriguing, giving the reader a chilling story they won't forget anytime soon. 

About the Author
McCORMICK TEMPLEMAN has a BA in English Literature from Reed College and an MFA in Writing and Poetics from Naropa University. She lives and writes in California.

One lucky reader will get to win a copy of The Glass Casket by McCormick Templeman! Just fill out the rafflecopter below! ***US Only*** Ends 2/14

Make sure to check out the other stops on the tour!
January 31st – Bookish
February 1st – Katie’s Book Blog
February 3rd – I’d so Rather be Reading
February 4th – Forever YA
February 5th – Wastepaper Prose
February 6th – Stories & Sweeties
February 7th – Peace Love Books
February 8th – The Hiding Spot
February 10th – Children’s Book Review
February 11th – The Midnight Garden  
February 13th – Dear Teen Me
February 17th – The Midnight Garden


  1. Thank you for the giveaway! I have been wanting to read this for the longest time! I love the cover and the plot seems so interesting. Glad to see you enjoyed it! Plus that cover is so divine

  2. OOoh that sounds like an intriguing and chilling read! Glad to hear that it was pretty good overall! Great review!

  3. The cover is just gorgeous!! I love those unsettling reads. Eager for this one!

  4. I love fairytale style books, and your review makes this sound awesome!

  5. Sounds like an amazing read!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Great review! This sounds really fascinating! Thanks for this giveaway opportunity!

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort
    My FF
