
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

This is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where each week bloggers share a list of books for the prompt given. So hopefully I'll have a new list to share with you all each week!

This Week's Topic: Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

This woman is seriously amazing. I know she gets a ton of recognition on blogs already, but I don't know a lot of non-bloggers know who she is. Her books have so many emotions and know how to seriously shock you. 

Jennifer Echols was probably the first YA author I fell in love with. I've read all of her YA books and plan on reading her new adult series. She's pretty popular already, but I wish EVERYONE read her books!

Wow, this woman is amazing. Her historical romances are so good and I was so happy I was able to discover her after a review request from the publisher. I definitely plan on reading her other historical romance series and I can't wait until her 6th book form her Maiden Lane series comes out!

Moonglass, Jessi's debut novel, was one of the very first books I reviewed on my blog and I remember loving it. Since then, I've read every single book she's published and loved all of them. If you haven't read her books, you seriously need to try them out. 

I was able to review Molly's entire Nice Girls series about vampires and they were so good! I had never heard of Molly Harper before and I saw that she also has a werewolf series that I can't wait to get my hands on. 

She also writes as Lorraine Heath and Jade Parker, but I love her books as Rachel Hawthorne. These are the cheesy YA romances that I read before I started blogging and I own all of the contemporary romance novels she wrote for HarperTeen and have read them multiple times. Yes, they're cheesy, but they're so good!

Oh boy, I read this series earlier this year and I fell in love with SC Stephens' writing. Each time I got the next book in her series in the mail for review, I would have a mini freak out paired with a little celebratory jig, and then I'd run to my sister to show her my new fabulous book. It's a great NA series that New Adult fans should definitely check out. 

Not only are these covers awesome, but Kate Locke creates a steampunk novel that had me addicted! I haven't read a lot of steampunk, but Kate's books have definitely made me want to try more of them out. 

Many people don't know, but Kieran Scott has two other pen names and one of them is Emma Harrison (the other one is Kate Brian). One day, I learned that three authors I adored were, in fact, one writer! But I don't think anyone reads her books as Emma Harrison and they're some of my favorites. So if you love Kieran Scott, check out these fluffy YA romances when you can. 

I read Kathy Love's vampire series in high school, back before I was blogging, and I remember reading them all in a row because I loved them so much. They were paranormal, but very romance focused, which were, and still are, my favorites. Then, I read her other vampire series and that was just as awesome. Kathy Love sure knows how to write paranormal romance. 


  1. YES LOVE Molly Harper, the audio books are quite awesome too! The werewolf series is also pretty good! She has a new book coming out soon as well, I can't wait :)

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  2. I've actually read a few of Rachel Hawthorne's and Emma Harrison's. My sister and I used to devour all of those cheesy romancey YA books. We loved them! Nice list!

  3. Ahh,such a shame I haven't read any of these! there are a few on my wishlist, though that I'm absolutely dying to read!!!Colleen Hoover, Jennifer Echols and Jessy Kirby, for example. I don't understand why I still haven't read ANY of their books!!!

  4. I am not familiar with any of these authors, but I will definitely check them out! Thanks for helping to get the word out about them!

  5. A couple of those I've never heard of but YES to Colleen Hoover, Elizabeth Hoyt, and Jessi Kirby definitely deserve more notice! :) Thanks for all the reading possibilities, looks like we have similar taste. I'm now following you on Bloglovin and Twitter.

    My TTT:

  6. I've heard of some of these authors, but never read them... of course, I don't read much YA or romance. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
