
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge Day 9

Day 9: Why do you blog about books?

With books! Haha, I've loved books for as long as I can remember and one day I found Goodreads. Then, from Goodreads, I found book blogs. And there was no turning back. It was like I was Matilda discovering the library for the first time...

I absolutely love reading and being able to be a part of this community has been so amazing. I've been able to share my passion for books with people who actually want to listen. Not once have I gotten into a "slump" where I've gotten tired of blogging and I've been blogging for over two years. How could I ever get tired of books? There are so many amazing new authors and genres I've discovered thanks to blogging. I don't think I could stop, even if I wanted to! Books are just too magical :)


  1. Such an awesome answer! I came to book blogs through Goodreads as well. It was amazing to find such a welcoming and passionate community.

  2. it feels great to be a part of this community....
    always around books makes to develop a good personality

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