
Sunday, July 14, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge Day 7

Day 7: Talk about your blogging quirks

Oh gosh, my blogging quirks? Hmmm, let me think about that. Do I really have any quirks? 

I bet I can think of some.....

  • I write reviews right away, probably within the next day or two after I finish the book. I love getting my reviews up as soon as I can so that I can share what I thought about what I've been reading.
  • I love using gifs on my Follow Friday posts. They're so much fun and always perfectly put into an image what I'm trying to say. 
  • I absolutely love memes. I take part in my Weekly Roundup, Top Ten Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday, Follow My Book Blog Friday, and Stacking the Shelves. They're so much fun and I love seeing what other bloggers post on those days. 
  • I write all of my posts in Goodreads before copying them to a blogger post. I'm so much more organized with my reviews thanks to Goodreads!
  • I normally don't have too many posts written in advance. My reviews go up a day or two after I write them and I write my meme posts about a week or two in advance. Everything is normally fresh and reflects what I'm actually reading.
  • I'm obsessed with my Goodreads 2013 reading goal. Right now, I'm 24 books (18%) ahead of my goal of reading 132 books this year. I keep on trying to read more to make that even more of a lead on my goal :)
And those are my quirks! Do you guys have any quirks when it comes to blogging? 

1 comment:

  1. I write my post on goodreads and copy it to my blog, too! I thought it was just me.. most of the other bloggers that I was reading writes the posts from word..

