
Saturday, July 13, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge Day 6

Day 6: Describe how you shop for books

Hmmmm, this pretty much describes how I shop for books...

I rarely read the back of a cover when I go book shopping. I take one look at the cover and that decides whether or not I want to buy it. Well, that and the price. I mainly do my shopping at Half Price Books in the sale section, so I buy books for $1 or $2. The only time I buy a brand new book from Barnes and Noble is when it's an author I absolutely love. It's so hard to contain myself when buying books, but I try my best. My last trip to Half Price Books, I only walked out with three! It was hard, but I managed :)

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing at Half-Price is rare if I walk out of there without at least five books. Love the Adam Levine gif!
