
Monday, May 27, 2013

Weekly Roundup [5/21-5/27]

Wow, this week has been insane. I left on Sunday for the UK and arrived in London on Monday! I've been here all week just soaking up London and going from one tour to another. I haven't had a chance to breath until today! Haha, but it's absolutely wonderful here and I cannot wait to spend 5 more weeks in this amazing city. Sadly, though, I have had barely any time to read anything other than Shakespeare for my classes, so the blog has been a little quiet. Don't despair, though! Classes are starting and things will become slower paced, so I'll have much more time to read the books I've been dying to read on my Nook. Until then, here's what I've posted since I've been in London!

Book Reviews
What a Wicked Earl Wants by Vicky Dreiling



  1. I hope you are enjoy your stay in London so far, it sounds like you're being kept very busy with both school reading and sight seeing. I hope the pace lightens a little so you can fit some 'recreational' reading in.

    Enjoy your upcoming reads and any more fun London things :-)

    My Book Bubble

  2. London. ::Sigh:: I am so very jealous!!!!

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