
Monday, May 27, 2013

London Snapshots

As you know, I've been in London since May 20th, and I am having the most amazing time! I have seen so much of London in the past week and it has been the best experience of my life. I've seen everything, from Big Ben and Westminster Abbey to Borough Market and Harrod's. I am so excited to spend the next 5 weeks of my life here because I couldn't imagine a better place to be. 

My favorite place that I've visited has definitely been Westminster Abbey. There is so much history behind it and there's even a Poets' Corner where a bunch of literary figures are commemorated and buried. Charles Dickens is buried there and they even have a plaque for Jane Austen! I was so excited to find her name there. The inside is beautiful and it was so cool learning all about the history, especially the part about the Tudors, because I love them and their whole twisted history. I made sure to go back and snag a really cute mug from the gift shop to take home to remember my favorite tourist attraction of London. 

My other favorite part about this trip so far was when I stopped by the Borough Market on Saturday. It was filled with food of so many different kinds and you would not believe how much cheese they had! There were tons of samples and I was in cheese heaven. The best part, though, was definitely the kangaroo burger I got from an exotic meets stall in a back corner of the market. Mmm it was delicious! The burger itself was huge with so many yummy things put on it. I was a little scared to try it since it's made from kangaroo meat, but it was awesome. I can't wait to go back as often as I can because it's definitely paradise for a food lover like me. 

There is so much more I'd love to share with you guys, but I think I'll save that for another post so that I don't bore you with my life. All you need to know is that I'm having the most amazing time of my life here and can't believe I get to spend the next 5 weeks here. Classes start tomorrow, and I'm taking one on Shakespeare and one on 17th century poetry and prose. Hopefully everything goes well! It's going to be so hard to sit down and do homework in such an amazing city, but I'll try my best :)

P.S. If you guys have any recommendations of where to go or things I should see while I'm in London, don't hesitate to let me know! I'd love to hear any suggestions :)


  1. Even if it's expensive, it's really worth it going on the London Eye, because then, you get to see everything from above!

    Have fun, I'm a little jealous of your classes on Shakespeare!


  2. British Museum of Natural History is a must see, just the architecture of the building alone is breath taking. A lot of museums are entry by donation(or at least they were when I lived there!) so take in as many as you can. The Tower of London is pretty awesome too! If you get a chance to head out of London for a day trip, Cambridge is gorgeous even just to walk around and window shop. Bury St.Edmunds is another with some beautiful sites especially the Abbey gardens. Norwich, Colchester.... I'm getting home sick so I'll stop now. :) Have a blast!Please enjoy some freshly made Bakewell tarts, a cheese and onion pasty and a pint of lager so that I can live vicariously through you! LOL... and some real chips and bacon butties......I'm getting fat just thinking about it!!

  3. Have fun while you're there :)
    Lucky you :)

  4. You should go see a musical on The West End! I don't know how they do it, but I love English musical theater. It's awesome! I've seen Billy Elliot, Les Mis and We Will Rock You there and each of them was good in their own way.

  5. If you love the Tudors, check out Hampton Court Palace. It's in the suburbs of London, but it's really lovely there and has so much history to it.
    Also, there's the Hummingbird Bakery in Kensington which has some of the NICEST CAKE I've had in London. Enjoy!

  6. Sooooo jealous!! I've always wanted to go to London. I'm really glad you're having such a great time, and I love the pictures! Can't wait to hear more about your time there. :-)

    ~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer
