
Friday, March 8, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (44)

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From Publisher

I'm home for spring break now, so that means I finally get all of the goodies that have been waiting for me! I am beyond excited for Miranda Kenneally's book Things I Can't Forget. I'm about 100 pages into it and I'm so obsessed with it! I can't wait to see how it ends. I'm also really excited for Eleanor & Park because I've been seeing great things about it around the blogosphere. Overall, I'm super excited about these books that came!

From Giveaway

I've won some really awesome giveaways and they all seemed to come in at once! All of these look like great reads, so I can't wait to get into them. 

That's it for me! I'd say I'm pretty happy with my week this week :) What did you all add to your shelves this week?  


  1. Eleanor and Park looks amazing! I'm looking forward to see what you think of it!

  2. Ooh that's nice! I've won a few giveaways, expecting at least one ARC, and yet none of them have come! :( I hate waiting and then I hate even more when I have to recontact the bloggers who usually are just the hosts and don;t send the prize out.

    But very nice! Hope you enjoy it all!

    My STS will be up on Sunday, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. you are right, Things I Can't Forget was ADDICTING! I finished it in a couple of hours and wanted MORE! as for Eleanor & Park.. my god, be prepared to drown in the world of this book and only surface when you are done with the novel. My review is up on the blog now and all I'm going to say is that this novel is officially an all time favorite for me!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. Great haul! Some of them are also in my TBR list. Eleanor and Park has the cutest cover like ever =DD I really want to read it.
    I still need to grab anything from Miranda Kenneally, they sound simply awesome.
    I hope you'll enjoy your new books. Happy reading! =)

  5. Awesome haul. I got Things I can't forget last week and read it and enjoyed it =). Eleanor and Park looks awesome and can't wait to see what you think of it! Enjoy all of your wonderful books.

  6. So jealous of you getting Sever! Really desperate to read it!

    My Stacking the Shelves

    Star xx

  7. Love Sever and in enjoyed Every Other Day :) I want Nobody! Aweesome haul :)

    My Haul!

  8. I just picked up Eleanor and Park from my library yesterday. I hope you like it!

  9. I read If You Find Me a few months ago and that book was so so good! I hope you enjoy it!

    My IMM

  10. I really need to read Fever and Sever soon, on a side note I absolutely LOVE the covers for this series.

    Happy reading! :)
    My Haul

  11. I've been wanting to read Jennifer Lynn Barnes new books for a while now, Hope you like them :)
    old follower
    my StS

  12. I have heard fantastic things about the Oaks series as well as Eleanor & Park!

  13. Summerset Abbey looks really good (Yes...I'm judging by the cover)!

  14. Great haul! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by my StS.

    brenda (proseandkahn)

  15. Everyone loves Eleanor and Park! Can't wait to read that one. I haven't started the Hundred Oaks series, but everyone loves those too. I also have the Chemical Garden trilogy on my TBR list. I love your header and the graphics on your blog! Thanks for visiting my book haul.

  16. I have If You Find Me coming up for review soon. I think that one may be intense and emotional. Things I Can't Forget sounds good... I really need to start that series. I hope you enjoy your goodies this week! :)

  17. I've been hearing great things about Eleanor & Park so I'm excited to read that one! And Sever--can't wait to see how this series ends!

  18. I'm curious with Eleanor & Park! and I loved Every Other Day, so cool :)

    Thanks for dropping by!

    my STS

  19. One of my favorite bloggers wrote this unbelievable review for Eleanor & Park and I've been stuck on it ever since. Now, all I need is to wait for my dang paycheck and my obsession will be complete. :D

  20. Yay for Spring Break reading! I have a few weeks to go for mine. Happy reading!

    New GFC Follower

    My STS

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  21. Great haul! Hope you enjoy all of them.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  22. Congrats on your contest win! I'm intrigued by Summerset Abbey (since I'm obsessed with Downton, and am wondering if it's along the same lines). Happy reading :)

  23. Nice haul! Congrats on those awesome giveaway wins, Summerset Abbey looks really good. Enjoy your new books and thanks for stopping by.

    Melody @ Adventures in Bookland

  24. Yay for the giveaway wins! I've heard such amazing things about Sever and Things I Can't Forget! I really hope you love all of your reads!

    Awesome haul :)

  25. Nice Haul :)

    I really want to read Summerset Abbey! Nice wins!!

    My STS

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  26. What a fab haul!! Mapmaker's War looks really cool! Oh and I've heard great things about Things I can't forget and Eleanor & Park ! Enjoy ALL your reads Jessica & thanks for stopping by ♥ Sorry for my slow reply :)
