
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Follow My Book Blog Friday (79)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What is a book you didn't like that all of your friends raved about or what book did you love that wasn't popular. 

Answer: Oh boy, this seems to happen all the time. I get SO excited to read a book because everyone is obsessing over it and when I finally read it, I'm just like really? That's it? I spend the entire book  waiting for something to spark or for me to become absolutely obsessed with it. But nothing ever happens. And I'm just left feeling so disappointed. 

And that feeling sucks. Not only did I just read a book that wasn't all that great, but I was expecting it to be great, so the let down was so much more than it would have been. I feel like I'm missing something when I don't like a book everyone else loves. Here are some that I really could not get into that everyone was obsessed with at one point or another...


I was literally SO excited to read these three books and was super disappointed after the last page. I just couldn't understand why people were loving these books. I don't know, maybe it's just me! I guess I did have super high expectations for these and they simply didn't meet them. Oh well, that's going to happen when you're a blogger! You hear so much about books that it's almost impossible to go into one without some sort of expectation. And sadly, those expectations don't always live up to reality...


  1. I still haven't read the Fifty Shades but I did read Matched and I liked it but most people told me they were disappointed so I guess I had low expectations. New Follower via GFC

    My FF @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

  2. Awww that gif... Yeah, I suppose this phenomenon is much more intense for book bloggers, because you do hear SO much.

    I'm an old follower. :) I don’t know if we’ll do FF tomorrow, but we do have a giveaway!

  3. Hopping through. I couldn't finish 50 Shades. I'd like to get through it though just to say I did. What movie/TV show is the bottom GIF from? Is it the Zoey Deschanel tv show?
    My Hop

  4. Old follower here. I am sure I have said this before but your blog layout is so freaking cute!!!

    Come see my answer if you get a chance.... Tena's Feature and Follow

  5. I agree with Matched, just too simple, I Liked Easy, it held my interest. No opinion on 50 Shades. PageGirlsPageofBookReviews

  6. I didn't like Matched either.

    Old GFC Follower

  7. Yeah, when people just rave about a book and then when I read it and am disappointed, it really sucks but what can you do?

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I want to read Matched and Easy so I'm hoping I'll love them. After todays FF my expectations are dropping for Matched! Oh well.

    Old Follower.
    My FF

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  9. I liked the first two, but 50 shades? too awful. :)

    New GFC follower here.
    my FF

  10. I'm not too fussed about reading 50 shades, but I'm intrigued about Matched- I've heard such mixed opinions on it.
    I'm a new follower, here's my FF at Rookie Romance

  11. I read Matched for the same reason as you and it was really good, just not really great,
    Old follower
    mu F&F

  12. Oh, I've been clambering to read Easy. But ugh, don't talk about 50 shades. I didn't finish it but my sister certainly let me know it wasn't worth a read.

    Do drop by my FF. Old follower =)

  13. I haven't read any of these titles.

  14. I started to read 50 Shades on my kindle and stopped because the female character had no depth, the male character was creepy and the plot was nonexistant. BUT then everywhere I went all I heard about was 50 Shades. I gave it another go. I forced myself through the first half of the book and finished. I read the second book but did not bother with the third.

  15. I really enjoyed Matched but the whole Fifty Shades thing has me so confused. I guess I completely missed what everyone else saw...

  16. A lot of people seem to be disappointing in Matched!

    FF - Mel@thedailyprophecy.
    Old follower.

  17. Only one I read out of those 3 was Matched and I liked it well enough, but the sequel was eh and now I haven't bothered to read the last one.

    Thanks for stopping by and following - following back!

    - Nyx @ Unraveling Words

  18. New follower!

    I was really disappointed in Matched as well... I've learned not to listen to the raving that goes on when a new book comes out, LOL.

  19. 50 Shades has been on a lot of blogs this week! I agree because I couldn't get into it. Didn't even finish most of the first book, let along the others.

    Following you by Twitter too!


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