
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (20)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week!

From the library

Only one book this week! I have so many books sitting in my TBR pile, I don't even know why I keep getting books from the library! But I found this one and was really interested to see how the book was! I absolutely love the cover of this version too, so I decided why not? If I have time, I'll squeeze this one in! I'm trying to read more classics, so The Hunchback of Notre Dame is definitely next on that list! 

That's it for me! What about you guys? Did you add anything new to your shelves? I'd love to hear, so please don't hesitate to share! And I hope you all have a great weekend :)


  1. I'm exactly the same, so many books to read but if I see one that looks remotely interesting I get another... =/
    Hope you enjoy the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

  2. Nice! I tried to read a few classics some years back, but it didn't go over well for me! I thought as an English major I should be dignified and read some classics. I did not enjoy them too well!

    Hope you enjoy this classic!

    My STS will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my STS!! I have such a HUGE pile of TBR books that I have NO business getting any more, but it's just too hard to pass them up!

  4. I'd like to read more classics too and I've been wanting to read this one for years !! I look forward to know what you think of it Jessica !! I'm a new follower ;)

  5. Classics are always interesting. This is one of those classics that I never read. Great haul.


  6. I'm just like you! I have tons of books to read and I just go and get more! LOL I hope you enjoy it.
    And thanks for stopping by My StS!! :)

  7. My TBR is scary high. I've put myself on a book buying ban (hopefully it will work this time ;)). Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading :)

  8. Ooo, nice! I'm embarrassed to say I've read very few classics, if any. I really should try to read more. I'm with you though... so many books on my shelf, and still they keep piling in. :)

    Hope you enjoy your book this week! And others off your shelf that you choose to read!

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature
    My Stacking the Shelves

  9. Ooh, a classic read! I actually haven't read this one and, like Lisa in the comment above, don't often get to many classics unfortunately....

    Looking forward to seeing what you think of it! :)

    Michele | Stacking the Shelves | Giveaways 1 & 2

  10. What a great classic! I think the copy I own is in French! LOL! Happy reading! I love mixing in a classic here and there.
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  11. Ohhh I hadn't read this book before but I think everyone has seen the Disney movie? I wonder if they're the same. Anyway, happy reading!

  12. I love taking the time and reading the classics. I've thought a lot about the Hunchback of Notre Dame but never really made an effort to getting it. I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by The Book Slayer :)

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