
Friday, September 21, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (55)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: What hyped up book do you think was worth all the talk? 


Definitely Harry Potter. Hands down. It's like no matter how many times I read it, I can't get enough of it. Kind of like Ron and his food...

Hehe, but seriously. People are obsessed with Harry Potter for a reason. Because it's awesome. And even though the entire book series and movies are over, it'll live in my heart forever :)


  1. Harry Potter FOR SURE!!!

    Great choice!!
    LOVE LOVE the books AND the movies!!!!!!!
    Happy Friday!
    Old follower-
    My FF

  2. Hopping through. Yay for HP. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.
    My Hop

  3. i totally agree!

    Old follower!

    Trish - My FF

  4. Agree 110%! I love all of the Harry Potter books. Thanks for stopping by my FF! I followed back via GFC. :)

  5. Harry Potter will be a classic for generations :D

    Following back!
    My F&F

  6. This is awesome! First I seriously love the background to your blog.

    Second I can't believe I'm going to say this, but...*glances around* I've never read the Harry Potter books. I've seen all the movies, but I've never read the books and I don't know why because I'm a firm believer that you should always read the book before the movie.

    I'm not sure how my brain lost that in translation here, but I hear they are amazing. Also Followed you via GFC :)

  7. Great choice. I'm wondering why on earth this series wasn't on my list. I like completely forgot about it for a minute. Now, I feel guilty! Lol. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. That book is going down in history. <3

  9. I devoured these backs back in high school! Great choice and they will always hold a place in my heart. ♥

    ~Night Tempest (New Follower)

  10. I have to agree. The Harry Potter series deserves all the hype completely! New GFC follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. That is a GREAT answer! I love me some Harry Potter. It's so funny EVERY TIME you read it. So good!

  12. Great choice! I remember I scoffed initially when people said these were great and then after the first book, I was as big a Potter fan as any! Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Seen this one on a few post today. :)

  14. I've never read a Harry Porter so I can't say :-)

    Following you!

  15. Yes, yes, yes. HP will live in my heart forever. I still get a warm fuzzy feeling when I think about it. I am loving seeing all the HP love today!

    Here's my Friday Hop

  16. Yes yes yes for Harry! Love the Ron/food gif. Old follower.

    Happy Friday!

  17. Definitely agree with you, I can't get enough of Harry Potter.

    My FF

  18. The first book was read to me when I was in Elementary school and I really enjoyed it. However, a few years later I tried reading it but couldn't get into it.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Doodle <3 *old follower*

  19. Well I can't find anyone who doesn't like Harry Potter ;)
    Thanks for following me! Following you via GFC :)

    Emily @ Anything in Fantasy

  20. I've heard SO MANY awesome things about the Harry Potter books and...I have to admit I've never read them. But I'll have to sometime! I love the movies!

    My F&F

  21. This was my answer! ;D
    Great minds think alike!
    Thank for stopping by and following :)

    New follower :)

  22. Harry Potter has been a popular choice (for good reason, too!). I think we all secretly wish we could be a part of that magic world. I'm still sad the series is over :'(

  23. I have never read any of the Harry Potter books. I'm a new GFC follower. :)

  24. I'm not a fan of how it ended..., but HP is definitely a great series and the hype was well deserved.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!
    Happy reading!

  25. Thanks for checking out my FF! Following back :)

    Don't hate me, but I have only read the first couple of books. Harry Potter was just never my thing.

  26. Thanks for checking out my FF! I followed back. :)

    I haven't read the books, but have seen the movies. And while I love this type of stuff, this just wasn't my thing, either. And I don't really know why lol.

    ~MA Church

  27. I have never read this series but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by my blog, old follower :)

  28. Thanks for stopping by my FF! :-) I haven't read any of the HP books, but I've heard tons of good things. :-)

    Tamara @ Shelf Addiction

  29. Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE HP series! The universe JKR invented is just awesome!

  30. I totally agree with you. Harry Potter is awesome! :D

    New follower via GFC.

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  31. Hehehe, love your animated gifs XD

    Old follower here

  32. I totally agree with you, I love the Harry Potter series, although I started reading it later than most people my age, since I hated reading books when I was a little kid.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Sorry for the very late reply, I was very busy with school.

    Nazish @ Nazish Reads

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