
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stacking the Shelves (4)

Stacking the Shelves is a new meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews where bloggers share what they got throughout the week! 

From Half Price Books 

Half Price Books was having their 20% off Memorial Day sale, so I went today and got these goodies! They came out to be just over $3, so it was awesome! I've read the last two of these and loved them, so I'm happy to have a copy of my own now! The first one looked super cute, so I thought I'd try it out! 

Barnes and Noble

I am IN LOVE with these Penguin Hardcover Classics, so I'm so happy I have some of my own! I got Persuasion, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility. I can't wait to read these because they are just so cute! Hopefully my collection of these will grow bigger in the future! 

And that's it for me! What did you all add to your shelves this week? Please share!


  1. OH MY GOD I LOVE HALF PRICE BOOKS! We don't have one here, but when I lived in the Chicagoland area, we had them. I miss them so much! Great shelf! Thanks for stopping by!

    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  2. Awesome haul! I totally go crazy when books go that cheap. I actually just purchased Wither online a few days ago for the regular price... then found it at me bookstore in HARDCOVER for $3 the next day! "/ haha.

    - Kim
    My Haul

  3. The classics covers make me happy! And I've been meaning to read Wither one of these days... Happy reading!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  4. That's an awesome haul! I borrowed Wither from a friend and I really do need to read it.

    Enjoy your books :)


  5. Awesome haul!
    I already read Wither and it's really awesome! I need my copy with that pretty cover. I also love those cover of penguin classic, they look simply cute and somehow gorgeous. They would look good on your shelf ;D
    Happy reading!

    My IMM :

  6. I haven't read Wither, yet, but I'm looking forward reading it soon. Enjoy reading those awesome books. :))

    Thanks for dropping by ;D
    Kari Po-Ku Reads

  7. Great set! I enjoyed Wither. The Penguin hardcover classics are very pretty.

  8. I wish we had a Half Price Books here! Those are some great deals. And I LOVE those covers for the Penguin classics! I've seen a few others on Amazon and I want them for my shelves so badly! Thanks again for stopping by my blog! I've followed you via GFC. :)

  9. Can't go wrong with Jane Austen and those hardcover classics are the best.

    Thanks for stopping by my stack.

  10. Wither was really good! I also have to read all those classics FIRST before I get any "special" covers! I'm so behind, but I haven't read one in fourth grade and now, three years later, I should really start!

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  11. Great books Jessica! And Oh My Gosh I loved Wither!! <3 I can't wait to read your review of it! And Susane Colasanti is so awesome too... her books are always touching and heartwarming... make sure you have a box of tissues handy Jess! :P

    Enjoy your haul hun!


  12. It is fun to get the classics. Here is my post: Stacking the Shelves

  13. I want to read Wither, hope you enjoy your books :)

    Here is my weekly round up.

  14. Nice! I like the really pretty hardcovers too! I have one of Grimm's fairy tales from Borders than Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tales, Dracula, and The Count of Monte Cristo from B&N too! My short stack of classics! :D

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  15. I recently got a hardcover of Wither for $4.99, I guess they are clearing them out everywhere. Enjoy all your goodies!!

  16. The Jane Austen hardovers are so pretty! And she never gets old.
    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  17. When It Happens was the first book I read by Susane Colasanti and it still remains to be my favourite book of hers. And Wither is such a beautifully written dystopian novel! I'm sure you'll be wanting to get your hands on Fever right away afterwards. Happy reading! :)

    Liz -> my Stacking the Shelves post

  18. Yay for Half Price Books! And I agree - those Penguin Classics covers are great! Happy reading and thanks so much for stopping by my StS!

  19. I absolutely love those hardcover classics covers myself!! I still don't have any... but I'd love to buy some soon. I hope you enjoy your books this week! :)

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature
    My Stacking the Shelves

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