
Friday, May 25, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (41)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: Activity! Dream cast your current read. 


By Sarra Manning 
Summary: Jeane Smith is seventeen and has turned her self-styled dorkiness into an art form, a lifestyle choice and a profitable website and consultancy business. She writes a style column for a Japanese teen magazine and came number seven in The Guardian's 30 People Under 30 Who Are Changing The World. And yet, in spite of the accolades, hundreds of Internet friendships and a cool boyfriend, she feels inexplicably lonely, a situation made infinitely worse when 

Michael Lee, the most mass-market, popular and predictably all-rounded boy at school tells Jeane of his suspicion that Jeane's boyfriend is secretly seeing his girlfriend. Michael and Jeane have NOTHING in common - she is cool and individual; he is the golden boy in an Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirt. So why can't she stop talking to him?

Michael Lee: Zac Efron        Jeane: Emma Stone


Michael's character definitely sounds like a Troy Bolton to me. And Jeane sounds like the quirky, kind of awkward character Emma Stone always plays, so I could see them in the Adorkable movie! I'm only about twenty pages in, so this is only a rough guess, but that is who I'd choose at the moment! 


  1. I need to read some of Sarra Manning's books soon. This one sounds hilarious. Great casting choices!

    Old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  2. Just stopping by, have a great week-end

  3. this sounds like a fun read! The cast you picked is gorgeous!

    My FF

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  4. I love Emma! I would watch any movie she's in!

  5. Cute read! Like your pick for the girl, Emma as a blond looks like Jeane on the cover!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I like, badly want to read this book now. Because a) it sounds awesome and like a way cooler version of my life (the dork part anyway) and b) if you can see Emma Stone playing the main, well that's a perfect indication that it must be great. Lemme know what you think, 'cause I'm your newest follower! Yay! Have an awesome weekend and check out my FF!

  7. That book sounds so cute! And Emma Stone seems like she'd be perfect.

    My follow friday. Please visit!

  8. Haven't read the book but I love those two! :D Emma Stone would be perfect for anything in my eyes <3 Girl crush. haha.

    - Kim (old follower)
    My FF

  9. Hopping through. Zac plays wholesome teens well - although that doesn't necessarily bode well for a long lasting career.
    My Hop

  10. Anything with Emma Stone in is totally worth watching so I'm going to have to pick this book up :)

    Here is my FF
    Lauren :)

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