
Friday, May 11, 2012

Follow My Book Blog Friday (39)

This is a meme hosted every Friday by Parajunkee, where book bloggers answer a question each week and check out how others answered it. It's a cool way for bloggers and viewers to connect and learn more about each other!

Question: This Sunday in the US is Mother's Day. In celebration, what are some of your favorite books with strong mother/child relationships? 


This question was so hard! But The Princess Diaries is the only one I could think of where the mother and daughter had an awesome relationship (which is weird, because shouldn't daughters get along with their moms? I do!!) I could, though, think of books where they were really close with their mom who ended up dying...

In these books, the girls had really close relationships with their moms up until they died, so it was really hard for them to go on. Their relationships with their moms were so sweet, so it was really sad when they died (or talking about when they did because they died before the book starts). 

But, that's sort of depressing when it's Mother's Day! Because we're supposed to be celebrating how awesome our moms are! And mine is AMAZING! If you're reading this, Mom, (which I know you probably are...) I love you and happy (almost) Mother's Day!!!


  1. I love the Princess Diaries books and I think that Meg Cabot wrote a very natural mother and daugther relationship, because they don't always get along but they always love each other.

  2. I've never read The Princess Diaries, though I've seen the movies and loved them :)

    New follower

    My FF

  3. I never read the princess diaries a looonnng time ago. But I remember the movie and if it's the same then I definitely agree. I haven't read the other two, but Moonglass has been on my to read list forever. My Feature & Follow Friday

  4. I love Mia and Helen's relationship! So glad you mentioned it.

    Old follower.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  5. I never read The Princess Diaries, but it's rare to find a book with a good mother-child relationship!
    I don't know why, I have the best relationship with my mother and a lot of people do too! But aparently in books is not something common.
    BTW I love the fact that your mom reads your blog!
    I'd love that my mom could read my blog! but she doesn't understand English! I showed it to her but it's not the same!
