
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Book Review: This Is SO Not Happening by Kieran Scott

This Is SO Not Happening 
By Kieran Scott
Release Date: May 1, 2012
Summary: After their long summer apart, Ally and Jake were hoping for a drama free senior year. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like things will work out that way...again. — It turns out that Chloe is pregnant and says that Jake is the father. Hammond is pissed at his best friend, but mostly can't believe that Ally would stay with Jake. But Ally is tired of being apart from Jake and is willing to make it work. But that is easier said than done when Jake starts blowing Ally off to go to doctor's appointments with Chloe and Ally joins the school play and meets a new cute guy.

But as graduation approaches, things get more complicated as new secrets come out and Ally realizes maybe Jake isn't the guy she thought he was. After everything they've been through can Ally and Jake get out of Orchard Hill with their relationship intact?

Review: I have loved every single thing Kieran Scott has ever written, from her Private series under her pen name Kate Brian, to Tourist trap under the pen name Emma Harrison, and ending with her he's so/she's so trilogy under her real name. And you know what? I hadn't even realized all these books were by her until after I read them and fell in love with them. So basically, what I'm saying is that Kieran Scott is freaking amazing. And this book was too. 

The first two books of this series brought the reader though an emotional roller coaster over Ally and Jake's relationship, but they were NOTHING compared to this one. He's SO Not Worth It ended with a character claiming she was pregnant with Jake's baby, and this book starts right back up where that one left off. Couldn't get any crazier, right? WRONG! So much happens in this book that I couldn't put it down until I was finished (seriously, i read this baby in one day). 

The characters are entering their senior year in high school, a year that's supposed to be awesome, amazing, and all about making memories with the ones they love. That is far from what ends up happening to them! Ally has to worry about her mom's wedding, playing basketball for who knows what college, and her boyfriend possibly being the father of another girl's baby. Between all of this stuff going on, there's seriously no possible way this book could be boring. 

And talk about emotional! I went from loving Jake, to hating him, to loving him, to hating him, and well, you get the picture. I don't think I've had so much emotion about a book since I finished the Summer series by Jenny Han. I would gasp, cover my mouth in shock, and run to my sister's room to tell her about something shocking happened, only to run in 2 minuted later with another shocking piece of news. And the end was so freaking good. Like seriously AMAZING (probably because Kieran Scott references one of my all-time favorite 80s movies, favorite author, favorite tv show, AND a Zac Efron movie all in one book). I was so so so sad that it had to end. 

Can Kieran Scott write more? Please? I know this is a trilogy, but I HAVE to have more of Jake and Ally. Now. Please?? Well, if I don't get another book, everyone else has to at least read this series. I want others to be able to experience the intense attachment to characters and addiction to an amazing story. So find a copy of this trilogy now! You won't be able to put it down until you've read the very last page.


  1. I've never heard of this series...but this summary/your review makes me want to give it a shot!

  2. Great review! I added it to my TBR list. And, me too, me too! I love me some Kieran Scott!

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