
Monday, May 21, 2012

Blogspiration (6)

This is a new meme I found hosted by Growing Up YA and Saz101. Bloggers post something that inspires them every week and shares it with their followers! I love this idea, so I decided to try it out! Every Monday I'll share a picture/quote/video of something (most likely book related) that's inspired me this week :) 

This poster is hanging in the library at the high school I went to. It's so cute! I was so tempted to take it off the wall and take it home ;) Maybe I'll just find one online sometime because I definitely need it! 


  1. OMG! I think you should just take it! :b

    That's a really adorable poster :D I Love it!

  2. Ooo I love this! :D


  3. Cool concept, adore the poster! But can someone tell me what on earth a meme is? I've been blogging for nearly a year, taking part in a few memes like the Lucky 7 one, but I still find it an elusive concept. Love Blogspiration though, look forward to your images every week!

  4. Oh my goodness... I kind of LOVE this poster... let me know if you track down a copy online? Is TOO cute! ♥
