
Monday, May 21, 2012

Author Interview: Mandy Baggott

I'm so excited to announce that today I have an interview with author Mandy Baggot! Mandy is here to talk about her new novel Taking Charge!

In three words how would you describe Taking Charge?
Emotional, charged, un-missable!

If you could be anyone from Taking Charge who would you be and why?
I’d have to be the female lead Robyn Matthers. She’s smart, opinionated and a real boyish girl. She speaks before she says things, she indulges all her vices, like her obsession with pickles and monster trucks, and she’s loyal, honest and a good friend.

Why did you focus on ice hockey as a major part of the story?
My dad lives in Portage, MI (where the book is set) and when we went to stay with him I fell in love with the sport after watching local team the Kalamazoo Wings. It’s fast, it’s exhilarating and what’s not to like about hot men on ice skates? The story for Taking Charge evolved after my trip to Portage and so many of my experiences there are shared in the book in some shape or form.

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I love to sing! And I’m a big show-off so I broadcast my efforts on You Tube. My rendition of Lady Gaga’s ‘Poker Face’ has had hundreds of hits much to my surprise! When I’m not writing or singing I love to spend time with my husband and two daughters and I love holidays! We have a really old (I call it retro!) caravan we tow to places here in the UK a good few weekends of the year. And if we can afford to we travel to Europe. We’re also hoping to go back to Portage for Christmas this year.

What’s your favourite colour?
It used to be black but apparently that isn’t really a colour! I love red and green and hot pink – well I am a romance writer! I have a pink net book.

Favourite book and why?
I don’t have a favourite book as such. I read a lot of contemporary romance because that’s what I enjoy writing and reading but I’ve also read a lot of different genres lately because of my involvement with There are so many fantastic stories out there just waiting to be discovered!

What’s next?
Well, at the moment I’m just over 10,000 words into a new novel called ‘Security’. This is a story about a pop princess called Autumn Raine who has to employ the services of an ex-elite army soldier Nathan Regan as her bodyguard when she starts to receive kidnap threats. Who can she trust?

Thank you so much for being here today Mandy! For more information on Mandy and her new book, you can check out her websitetwitter, and Web Store!

Taking Charge
By Mandy Baggot
Release Date: May 3, 2012
Summary: Is going back Robyn’s only way forward?

American-born Robyn Matthers is going home. With her dad in hospital, his roadhouse in ruins and the ice hockey team slipping down the league, she needs to take charge. But does she have the strength to do it?

Cole Ryan is a hockey player on a personal mission. He’s tall, dark, hot and Robyn’s noticed! But can she trust her feelings - or his? And what will Cole do when he finds out the truth about her?

With an ill father, a trailer trash step-mom and ex-boyfriend Brad desperate for another chance, does Robyn have time to contemplate a relationship? Can she start again? Does she really want to? And can two people really fall in love in three days? ***Check out my review right here***

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous interview, and I can personally attest to your great YouTube efforts--always makes me smile and sing along. Security sounds like an amazing story, and obviously Taking Charge is way high on my (ever teetering) TBR. Thank for a great interview, Jessica, and well done to Mandy.
