
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday (26)

Shelf Candy is a meme hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews and every Saturday, bloggers choose a book whose cover really catches their eye. I know you're not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I always do, so I'm choosing books whose cover alone made me pick it up. So I hope you enjoy my shelf candy!

I know these covers are pretty simple, but they really capture what the books re about. There's something about them that are so perfect and Goddess-ey that I really want to pick them up and see what they're about. I love how the same colors, font, and even the design in the bottom right corner are used in both. The font fits perfectly and just completes the whole feel of the cover. I still haven't read the first one, but I really want to before the next one comes out because I'm hoping the story is as great as the covers make it seem! 


  1. I sooo want to read The Godess Test. My friend has a copy of it and I can borrow it, but I never get around to asking for it. I just noticed the little design in the corner, Wow.

  2. Hey! I have been meaning to start this series forever ago! I'm so glad you chose it. I love the tones and colors of these covers.

  3. I haven't read these books yet but they are on my tbr! I really need to get around to them because these covers just steal my breath every time i see them around. Great picks this week.
    You can check out my shelf candy here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  4. Pretty covers. The Goddess Test has been on my TBR list forever. Hopefully I'll get to it soon.

  5. I love that they didn't go too far here. They are beautiful covers. I particularly like The Goddess Test. There is just something beautiful about the seclusion. Thanks for sharing.

  6. There's something about these covers that somehow pull the viewer in. They're both very simple in design, as you say, and yet... I love the dresses the model wears in each one. They're very much in keeping with the classic theme. The setting is in nature, which is just perfect. The geometric designs along the bottom go just as perfectly with the Greek lettering.

    In short, like you, these covers make me want to pick up the books and read them!! Besides, I love Greek mythology, so that's another plus!

    Thanks for featuring these!! : )

    Maria @
