
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Book Review: Forbidden by Syrie James and Ryan M. James

By Syrie James and Ryan M. James
Release Date: January 24, 2012
Summary: She should not exist.
He should not love her.
Claire Brennan has been attending Emerson Academy for two years now (the longest she and her mom have remained anywhere) and she's desperate to stay put for the rest of high school. So there's no way she's going to tell her mom about the psychic visions she's been having or the creepy warnings that she's in danger.
Alec MacKenzie is fed up with his duties to watch and, when necessary, eliminate the descendants of his angelic forefathers. He chose Emerson as the ideal hiding place where he could be normal for once. He hadn't factored Claire into his plans. . . .
Their love is forbidden, going against everything Alec has been taught to believe. But when the reason behind Claire's unusual powers is revealed and the threat to her life becomes clear, how far will Alec go to protect her?
Review: I haven't read many novels about angels, but if they're anything like this, I've been missing out on a pretty awesome genre! In this book, Claire has been experiencing some very weird visions that she has no explanation for. On top of that, the new guy Alec is mysterious yet enticing and seems to have a particular interest in her. Claire doesn't know what to think about Alec, but I know if some new hottie with an Irish accent were to move in, i wouldn't question why he was so interested in me! 

Claire is a great protagonist, especially because she is so relatable with her need to do well in school while trying to fit it. What I loved most about her, though, was how she told her two best friends everything that was going on with her. Even when she figured out more information about angels and her past, she didn't hesitate to share it with her friends, which is pretty rare in fantasy books. Not only did she confide in her friends, but she also had the best male counterpart EVER! 

Angels may give off the stereotype of being fluffy pretty boys, but Alec is definitely one lean mean fighting machine! He is good looking, but he is a tough guy who can really hold his own. He takes care of himself and has no problem at all protecting those he cares about. And that accent! Yum! Claire and Alec are SO cute together that I just sigh at how sweet they are! Things were a little slow in the beginning of the book, but they certainly picked up and it was so hard to put down! 

Not only does Forbidden have a gorgeous cover, the story is irresistible! This is definitely more for those looking for a romance rather than a fantasy novel, but that's exactly what I love to read. I hope there's a new one coming out sometime soon because I can't wait to see what happens next to Claire and Alec!


  1. I got this book last week because I read the synopsis and like fell in love. I haven't read it yet but I am SO excited to do so...even more now since I read your review. If you like this book then I think you will like the Grace series from S.L. Naeole. Her books are amazing. Anyway, awesome review.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  2. Sounds great. I haven't read any books that I can think of, with angels. I'll have to give it a whirl.

  3. Your review sounds great! I can tell you that I have already read books with angels. And they are, most of the time, fantastic.


  4. OOoh nice! I can't wait to read this one now! I have really been getting into angel books lately. Becca Fitzpatrick wrote an awesome series! And L.A. Weatherly writes one that's totally different with angels too! Just freaking awesome though! And Nalini Singh writes another incredible one although hers is aimed at adults. AWESOME review! Can't wait to read it!
