
Sunday, February 5, 2012

In My Mailbox (24)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

From the Library 

I had quite the successful trip to the library! I am so excited to start reading these books, especially THe Perks Of Being a Wallflower because I want to get through it before the movie comes out! Now if I just had time to pick them up in between all of the books I have to review, I'd be happy even happier!

From the Publisher

I love contemporary retellings of old stories, and this one is the retelling of Anne Boleyn set in LA. I love the color of the cover and it just sounds like a great read! The blog tour is on Tuesday, so make sure to come back then to check out my review! 

That's it! What did you all get in your mailbox this week? Please share! 


  1. Enjoy your books they all look really good, Great IMM! :D

  2. I also have Loves me, Loves me knot!! I've bought it in Edinburgh <3 I still need to read it, though :P I really hope you'll like it! :) :)

  3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is AMAZING! All of my students have enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, they're the ones who recommended it to me. (I teach juniors and seniors.) I hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

    Happy Reading!

    Wannabe Librarian's IMM

  4. Like your IMM! Hope you would enjoy your new books :D

    In my mailbox

  5. Enjoy your books! The Perks of Being a Wallflower was...interesting. It had beautiful quotes in it. :)

    Nerd Girls at Books to the Sky

  6. OOh nice! Read Dreaming Anastasia a long while back and it was pretty interesting! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Loves me, Loves me knot looks pretty good but I haven't seen it before. Great haul this week I hope you have fun reading them!
    You can check out my IMM here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  8. The cover for Dreaming Anastasia looks awesome, hope it's as good as it looks.
    Enjoy all your books and thanks for stopping by!

    Lisa O. @ The Nocturnal Library

  9. I have heard a little about Dreaming Anastasia it seems like it'd be really good. Hope you enjoy all the books you got this week. :) New Follower.

    Here is mine: IMM (13)

  10. some good looking books this week :)

  11. Dreaming Anastasia looks good! I'll have to check that one out! Here's ours

  12. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is amazing! Maybe a little over hyped, but truly very good! Hope you enjoy it!

    Tara @ Hobbitsies

  13. Not heard of these books but they do look pretty.

    Hope you enjoy your new books :)

  14. Dreaming Anastasia looks interesting. Great IMM!
    My IMM is

  15. Heard good things about Dreaming Anastasia. And The Perks of being a Wallflower is really a good read

    enjoy reading!

    here's my IMM:

  16. I totally love the cover for Dreaming Anastasia. I'll have to remember and try and get it sometime soon :)
