
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Historical Romance Blog Tour and Giveaway

I am super excited to announce that Peace Love Books is a stop on the Secrets of an Accidental Duchess blog tour today! Here's a little bit about the author, Jennifer Haymore...

Why writing? Have you always loved it or was there a point in your life where you discovered that's what you wanted to do?
I’ve always loved it. I thought I’d spend my life just doing it for fun because I had it in my mind for the longest time that becoming published was a pipe dream.

Why did you decide to write historical romance?

I actually started off writing historical fiction--my first completed novel was a historical fiction novel. But my critique partner was a romance writer, and she told me that my book was really focused on the relationship between the hero and heroine and that she thought romance might be the way for me to go if I was serious about getting published. She was right. J

If you could be anyone from any of your books, who would you be and why?

I’d be Jessica Donovan, the youngest Donovan sister. She has so much spirit and goes after what she wants with everything she has (and she usually gets it). She makes an appearance in SECRETS OF AN ACCIDENTAL DUCHESS, but she finds her happily ever after in book 3, PLEASURES OF A TEMPTED LADY, which comes out in August, 2012.

Secrets of an Accidental Duchess
By Jennifer Haymore
Release Date: January 31, 2012
Summary: With her pale hair and slim figure, Olivia Donovan looks as fragile as fine china, and has been treated as such by her sisters ever since a childhood bout with malaria. But beneath her delicate facade, Olivia guards a bold, independent spirit and the kind of passionate desires proper young ladies must never confess... 

It was a reckless wager, and one Max couldn't resist: seduce the alluring Olivia or forfeit part of his fortune. Yet the wild, soon-to-be Duke never imagined he'd fall in love with this innocent beauty. Nor could he have guessed that a dangerously unpredictable rival would set out to destroy them both. Now, Max must beat a madman at his own twisted game-or forever lose the only woman to have ever won his heart.  ***Check out my review of this wonderful book right here***


For being a part of this tour, I have two copies of Jennifer Haymore's book to giveaway! Just fill out the rafflecopter below! US only! Giveaway will end February 10th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love Historical romance! Hello again, Jennifer. You already know why I want to win your book. Lordy! I've told you in several blogs already. Hope I'm fortunate enough to win. :-)

  2. I really enjoy reading historical romances, once wasn't a fan of the, but now have been reading them quite regularly.

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  3. Historical Romance use to be the main genre I read. For several years, mostly in my teen years, and on-ward. I need a really good historical.

    Raonaid at gmail dot com

  4. My favorite romance novels at the moment are Historical Romances! I started officially reading them last year and haven't stopped since. I love them!

  5. My favorite are historical romances. Thanks!

  6. I love to read historical romances

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