
Sunday, August 14, 2011

In My Mailbox (9)

In My Mailbox is a meme that I picked up from The Story Siren's blog. It's where we share the new books that we've gotten for that week with our readers. These books could be from the library, the store, or from the writers/publishers for review. Whatever the reason, I will share my new books every Sunday!

From Half Price Books

As you all probably already now, Half Price Books is my favorite store of all time, so it's really hard to contain myself when I'm there. Surprisingly, during this visit, I only got three books!! This first one I got because it seemed really cute and something I would love to read. The reason I got A Place Called here, though, wasn't because of the book itself, but where it was from. I actually got the UK version!! On the inside flap, there are quotes from Irish Times and Irish Independent. I thought that was so cool! So obviously, I had to buy it. What can I say? It's not everyday you get to buy a book that was born in Great Britain!

From Giveaway


I was lucky enough to win some more really great giveaways this week! I won an ARC of the paperback version of A Tiny Bit Marvelous from Snowdrop Dreams of Books. I won Abigail from a giveaway on Heather Marie Adkins' blog. Last, but certainly not least, I won Recovery and Absolute Obsession from From the TBR Pile in their Summer Giveaway Hop. Thanks for these awesome giveaways!

From Author/Publisher

I got some really great books this week from authors and publishers! I already read one of Jodie Cooper's books (Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire), so I was really excited when she asked me to review one of her short stories from that series. I'll be having an e-copy to giveaway later this week, so make sure you stop by to enter! And, of course, I'm really excited to read the other review copies I received! 

From Barnes and Noble

I barely buy any books from Barnes and Noble anymore because it always adds up, but when I saw this book for $2, I decided to get it. It's a love story and murder mystery from the 1930s. I've never read anything like it and I was really interested in seeing how it would end up. The 1930s are a time period that I'm not used to seeing in books, but I've always thought that it would have been an interesting time to live in. Now I'm excited to learn more about it and enjoy this love story! 

What I Made
I made new buttons this week! I was getting tired of my old one because it wasn't that pretty, so I went on the search for some pretty pictures to use for my new ones. I fell in love with these two pictures, then used picnik to put my blog name on it! Needless to say, I'm happy with the result :) 

That's it! What all was in your guys's mailboxes this week? Please share! 


  1. Wow, lots of books! :) I love how colourful the ones from Half Price Books are! :P

    Here's my IMM!

  2. A lot of great reads this week - Recovery and Stolen really look like something I would enjoy.

    Happy Reading

    Wannabe Librarian's IMM

  3. wow you got some great books this week! Can't wait to check them out!

    thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  4. Nice variety of books. I hope you enjoy all of them. Happy reading!

  5. Cool IMM! I still haven't read that book from Cecelia Ahern.

    Happy Reading!
    In My Mailbox

  6. Wow, looks like a great week for your. Happy Reading!

  7. Great set! I need to read more Cecelia Ahern. I've only read PS I Love You but I really enjoyed it.
    My IMM

  8. I love your blog buttons. They are so cute! You had a lucky week with giveaways and deals on books. I love the cover of A Place Called Here. Stargazer is a good one too. Happy reading :)

  9. Ahern is always a hit. I have her latest and love the golden pink cover. So pretty. You got lots this week I see and I really liked your new buttons. Ahhhh books and the love hidden behind it all. Nice :)

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looks like a fun book week for you. :)

  11. Wow, so many great titles this week!! Looks like you have a lot of wonderful reading in your future. :) Enjoy!

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature
    My IMM

  12. Thanks for visiting Booking In Heels!

    I keep picking up A Tiny Bit Marvellous in the store, but I can never quite commit to buying it. I'll be back to see what you think!

  13. Great mailbox! Also, snazzy buttons! Love the blog name!

    Here's my IMM!

    Nora, The Bookery

  14. The reserve sounds like a good read. Romance, mystery, 1930s, it can't get much better...Happy reading!

  15. Stolen looks very good! Thanks for checking out my IMM ;)

  16. You have some really good books there.
    Thanks for stopping by my IMM and I love what you said
    "It's not everyday you get to buy a book that was born in Great Britain!"
    For me i get to do this a lot, its where I live :D

  17. Wow, what a great pile of books. I am quite jealous! [: Hope you enjoy all of them.

    Erin @ Let's Evaluate

  18. Great haul this week! And your buttons are really cute. Happy reading!

  19. Don't think I've heard of any of these books, but they look great!
    And the buttons are very cute :)

  20. Big IMM this week! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Rumana @ Relook the Book

  21. Great books this week. I really need to read Cecelia Ahern one of these days.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  22. You got a nice list of books this week in your mailbox.
    I hope you like your new books,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  23. You got quite a bit this week! Curious about Claudia Gray's books. Happy Reading!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  24. Lots of great books this week! I actually haven't heard of most of these before. Happy reading! :)

  25. Awesome haul this week! Happy reading!

  26. Great books this week ^-^ I have Stargazer on my TBR. Hope you enjoy!

  27. Great mailbox! I love Half Price Books too, but somehow I still end up spending way too much money there!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  28. We have different taste in books, but those books oddly fascinated me. :P I'm going to have to look further into them. :) Thank you for visting my blog. I am now going to go follow your blog.

  29. Love the books you got. You made some interesting choices and i have to say i'm now putting them on my to read list. It's like an addiction i add more books to that list every day!!!

    Have fun reading!!!

  30. Great haul this week. Looks like you've got some good reads to occupy you :-)

    Jex @ Everything and Nothing

  31. Thanks so much for visiting! I am now following you as well. :)

    Great collection for the week!


  32. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Looks like you got quite a pile of books this week :D And great buttons! Cute!

  33. I've heard good things about Cecelia Ahern's books.

    Hope you enjoy all your new reads! =)

  34. Looks like some great books! I may need to add some of those to my TBR pile.


  35. Hi!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM. Returning the favor. :)

    I love the cover for A Place Called Here. I think it's cool you got the UK version! Sometimes I think they get the better covers lol!

    I hadn't heard of The Reserve before, but it sounds need. I have a place in my heart for historical anything, so this is going on my to-read list.

    Great IMM.

  36. I haven't read any of those... You have a lot on your mailbox! I wish to have more books too!

    Here's my IMM

    April :)

  37. That's a lot of books! Thanks for stopping by my blog. And that couple in the buttons? Super cute!

    - Mary [Anxirium]

  38. You have some great books this week! Thanks for dropping by The Bookaholics! :)

  39. Seems like a great week for you! :) I hope they're all as good as they seem! Those I haven't seen before, definitely has me intrigued...

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Kindle Fever

  40. Ooh, I really want to read A Tiny Bit Marvellous - I'm a big fan of Dawn French :)

  41. I might have to give Nerd In Shining Armor a try. Your buttons are great.

  42. Awesome books! I love the new buttons too :) Happy reading!

  43. I'm not familiar with many of these books. I do love the buttons you made. They're so cute!

  44. I read MG and YA books and I'm not familiar with most of these titles or authors. Some look really interesting. I'll look forward to seeing your thoughts on them! You won a lot of giveaway books!

    Your buttons and blog wallpaper are great! Thanks for dropping by my IMM. I'll be stopping by your blog more often!

