
Monday, August 15, 2011

Book Review: Unlovable by Sherry Gammon

Summary: Seventeen year-old Maggie Brown is truly the poster child for Heroin Chic, complete with her jutting bones and her dark-ringed eyes. She’s struggling with her growing feelings for the new guy at school, Seth Prescott, and fears he is just another person who will let her down, like everyone in her life has done thus far.
Seth Prescott is an undercover cop assigned to Port Fare High, and despite his job, he’s developed strong feelings for Maggie. Seth’s working tirelessly to flush out the sadistic heroin peddlers that have invaded the small town of Port Fare, New York, while Maggie fights to stay alive as the search turns deadly. 
Seth and Maggie’s romantic journey is one of humor, heartbreak and self-discovery as their world is about to change forever. 

Review: First off, I want to say how AMAZING the cover of this book is. When I saw the cover, I knew I had to read this book. So when the author asked me to review Unlovable for her, I literally flipped out (seriously just ask my sister). So saying that I had very high expectations going into this book is a big understatement. Good thing this book exceeded those expectations by a mile! I loved every single freaking thing about it! Maggie was far from perfect, but I think that's why I liked her so much. She was shy around Seth and very hesitant on who she trusted. But once she warmed up to him, Maggie's relationship with Seth was just so darn cute! They acted so adorable around each other in the book and I couldn't help but be jealous of Maggie having a guy as amazing (and cute) as Seth. This book reminded me of Never Been Kissed (with the whole pretending to be in high school thing) and Going Too far by Jennifer Echols (with the whole falling in love with a cop thing). But what those two didn't have that Unlovable did have was such a thrilling, surprising story. This is NOT the cliche storyline of people falling in love. People die and there are countless visits to the hospital (but with many stolen kisses in between). Needless to say, this book was far from unlovable. And to make things even more awesome, I learned that there's going to be two more books after this! You can definitely count on me being first in line to read these. I don't know how I'm going to last until they come out! Until then though, I highly recommend you get you hands on Unlovable as soon as you can! You won't regret it! 


  1. Thanks so much!! I really appreciate you doing the review, and I'm REALLY glad you liked it! If you want to do a giveaway, let me know. Keep on blogging!

  2. The cover is truly gorgeous :) Can't want to read this one!

  3. Wow that cover is amazing and your review makes me very excited! This is a definite add to my TBR list!

  4. I saw this book at the bookstore and was instantly fascinated by it b/c of the cover. This is the first review that I read on it, and now I can't wait to read it!

  5. Ooh, this one sounds so good! I actually haven't heard about it before but now I really want to read it. I mean, any book that's compared to Going Too far (one of my favorite books ever!) is perfect for me. Great review!

  6. wow, this looks intense!! i had never seen it before.

  7. I am so glad that you loved it. I haven't read it yet, but I will get there. Sherry is a sweety.
